- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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890 [Doc. 313.
1717. (9.) The Importance of instituting an Astronomical
Observatory in Sweden; with a plan by which this may
be carried out, in MS., 4 pages, large folio. See Docu
ment 311 , no. 3.
This paper was written in Swedish in the beginning of 1717 ; for
in a letter dated June 26, 1717, Swedenborg stated to Benzelius,
that "he communicated the plan respecting the Observatory to Secre
tary Cederholm." In this paper Swedenborg first recapitulates what
has been done by other nations and in other countries for the
encouragement of astronomy by the erection of observatories, and
the appointment of efficient staffs of observers ; and then shows the
importance of having such an observatory in the north of Europe
for the purpose (1) of determining more minutely the parallaxes, and
(2) the whole system of refractions ; (3) of mapping the fixed stars ;
(4) of making it a basis for measuring a degree of the terrestrial
latitude; (5) of taking observations of the inclination and declination
of the magnetic needle ; (6) of making meteorological observations,
and (7) of establishing the facts in respect to the aurora borealis.
Afterwards he offers a plan as to how such an observatory may be
established at the present time, and with the means that were then
at the disposal of the Swedish government.
1717. (10.) De causis rerum ( On the causes of things),
in MS. 4 pages, 4to. See Document 311 , no. 7.
In this paper are contained the germs of some theories which
Swedenborg subsequently treated more fully and established at greater
length. The following subjects are discussed in it: 1. The equilibrium
of the planets, which is demonstrated by a ball swinging around a
centre under water; 2. The most universal matter, the particles of
which, Swedenborg declares, must be round; 3. The creation of matter,
where the author states that at its first creation there was a long
conflict between fire and water; that of the former by circum-pressure
were produced brimstone and similar substances, and of the latter
salt ; and that by an additional pressure between the two, of sulphureous
substances was produced oil, and of salt a liquid glass, from which
finally arose the earth; 4. Rain, and the ascent and descent of water
in the atmosphere ; this Swedenborg illustrates by fish-bladders, which
are balanced so that they neither float on the water nor sink ; when
they are introduced into warm water they float, when into cold
water they sink. He then makes some other interesting experiments
with these fish-bladders, and afterwards applies the results, which he

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