- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313.] 899
1719. (24.) Förslag til wårt Mynts och Måls indelning, så
at räkningen kan lättas och alt Bråk afskaffas (Proposal
for regulating our coinage and measures, by which com
putation is facilitated, and fractions are abolished). Stock
holm, Kongl. Bok-Tryckeriet; 8 pages, quarto.
Concerning this tract, which was reprinted in 1795, the author
says in Document 87, "It is very probable that what I have printed
in connection with a decimal system in our coinage and measures,
and which fills a sheet, will be my last."
1720. (25.) Om Wennerns fallande och stigande och huru
wida thet härröra kan of watnets tillopp eller aflopp
igenom Strömmar (Concerning the rise and fall of Lake
Wenner, and how far this is due to the flow of water
into it, and the carrying off of water by streams) ; in MS. ,
7 pages, folio. See Document 311 , no. 23.
An abstract of this paper was printed in the Acta Literaria
Suecia for 1720, pp. 111 to 116.
1720. (26.) Principia Rerum Naturalium ab experimentis
et geometria sive ex posteriori et priori educta (First
principles of natural things deduced from experience
and geometry, or a posteriori and a priori) ; in MS.,
560 pages, quarto. See Document 310, Codex 87.
This work, which was never published by Swedenborg, treats of
the same subject, which he at a later period discussed in Vol. I of
his Opera Philosophica et Mineralia; and as both these works
bear the same title : viz. Principia Rerum Naturalium, the former
may be denominated the "lesser Principia," and the latter the
"larger Principia." The "lesser Principia" may be fairly considered
the first cast of the larger work; and it is an indispensable help
to the proper understanding of it. For while in the latter
work the results at which the author arrived are presented in
strictly synthetical order, in the former these results may be studied
genetically or in successive order. Instead of the finites, actives,
and elements of the larger work we find here "particles" from the
first to the tenth order, and their genesis is described with all
the necessary mathematical formulæ and diagrams, so that this work
serves to explain several of the diagrams and demonstrations which
have remained unintelligible in the larger work.
This work seems to be Part I of that which Swedenborg published
in 1721 under the title: Prodromus Principiorum naturalium, &c.

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