- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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906 [Doc. 313.
1722. (36.) Oförgripelige Tankar om Swenska Myntets
Förnedring och Förhögning (Frank views on the fall and
rise in the value of Swedish money). Stockholm,
Werner, 20 pages, 4to.
Concerning this little work Swedenborg says in Document 132,
Vol. I, p. 378, "I have published here something concerning our
Swedish currency, in which I give the reason why it ought not to
be lowered; it has caused quite a stir here." A second edition of
this little work, according to Björnstjerna, was published in 1769.
1722. (37.) De Magnete et ejus qualitatibus (The Magnet
and its qualities) ; in MS., 299 pages, 4to.
On its title-page this MS. volume bears the inscription: London,
1722 ; from which it appears that Swedenborg had intended it for
publication in that year. For further particulars respecting the
contents of this volume, see Document 310, Codex 81.
1723. (38.) De Genuina Metallorum Tractatione (On the
genuine treatment of metals) ; in MS.
Of this work Swedenborg published a prospectus in 1722, where
he states that "towards the end of the next year, 1723, a work will
be printed under the above title." According to this prospectus,
which constitutes Document 192, Vol. I, this work was to consist
of nineteen parts. The work itself was never printed ; but four out
of the nineteen parts have been preserved in MS. They are among
the Swedenborg MSS. in the Academy of Sciences in Stockholm ;
their titles are as follows:
1. De Sulphure et Pyrite (On Sulphur and Pyrites), 329 pages, 4to.
2. De Sale Communi, h. e. de sale fossili vel gemmeo, marino, et
fontano (The common Salt, i. e. rock-salt, sea-salt, and salt obtained
from saline springs), 343 pages, 4to.
3. De Secretione Argenti et Cupri quæ " Seger-Arbete" vocatur
(The secretion of silver and copper, which is called "refining”),
363 pages, 4to.
4. De Vitriolo, deque modis vitriolum elixandi, &c. (Vitriol, and
the modes of extracting it, &c.), 446 pages, 4to.
For further particulars respecting the contents of these MSS.,
see Document 310, Codices 82 to 85.
1724 to 1733.* (39.) Generaliter de Motu Elementorum (The
motion of the elements in general) ; in MS., 5 pages, 4to.
* That the following five treatises were written by Swedenborg between
1724 and 1733 we maintain on the following grounds : These treatises are

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