- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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914 [Doc. 313 .
to be the "Only Begotten," who makes use of the angels in carrying
out His behests. Swedenborg thus was led to assume an inter
mediate sphere of existence between God and Spirit.
This continued to be his attitude until 1745, when his spiritual
sight was fully opened by the Lord, and he was able to see by
ocular proof that the intermediate sphere between God and Spirit,
the existence of which he was led to infer by a process of induction,
is in reality identical with Spirit itself, which is discretely or
distinctly separate from matter, and, though still finite, i. e. created,
is not subject to the laws of space and time which govern matter.
He thus recognized that there is a Finite, which is independent of
the laws of space and time, and which, nevertheless, is not infinite.
1734. (47.) Epitome Principiorum Rerum Naturalium (An
abstract of the work entitled : Principia, or First Principles
of Natural Things) ; in MS. , 27 pages, 4to.
See Document 310, Codex 88, IX.
1735-1738 . (48.) Fragmenta Transactionum Trium de
Cerebro (Fragments of three Transactions on the Brain) ; in
MS., 1004 pages, 4to.
This work, which was probably finished by the author some time
in 1738, when he entered upon the preparation of the MS. of his
Economia Regni Animalis, no. 52, dates from a period, when the
author did not yet treat his subject analytically, as in the Economia
Regni Animalis, and the Regnum Animale, but synthetically. While,
therefore, in another work on the brain (no. 56), which is a part of
the Regnum Animale, he approached his subject from without, and
treated of the various organs and provinces of which it is composed,
before he even ventured to speak in a general way of its cortical
and medullary substances ; and while in the Regnum Animale, the
part on the Brain comes after those on the organs of the abdomen
and thorax, and after the organs of sense ; in the above work he
opens his subject with a discussion of the inmost substance of the
brain, the cortical, and after making his way from the centre of the
brain to its circumference, he comes to those parts of the body which
are animated by the blood. For although the above work originally
contained only three Transactions, all of which treat of the brain,
a fourth Transaction was promised on p. 762, which is to treat of
the red blood.
The author seems to have entered upon the preparation of this
work soon after he returned to Sweden in 1734, after printing his
Opera Philosophica et Mineralia. That he did not begin it sooner

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