- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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924 [Doc. 313.

proceeded to Amsterdam, where " on December 27, 1739,
exactly at twelve o’clock," he finished writing his Economia
Regni Animalis, which was published there in 1740 and 1741 ,
while he returned to Sweden in 1740 (see Document 163,
Vol. I, p. 456). These facts are proof positive, that Swedenborg
was not in Rome in 1740, and therefore could not have
published a book there.
From the whole of this it follows that the Two Disser
tations on the Nervous Fibre [i. e. on Fevers] and the Nervous
Fluid, which were published in Rome in 1740, and which were
attributed to Swedenborg, were not written by him, but by
Felix Rossetti, a physician of Giuvenazzo (Juvenatii) in Puglia
(i. e. Apulia).
1740. (56, C.) Dr. J. J. Garth Wilkinson says further in
his biography of Swedenborg, p. 39, " Sprengel, in his History
of Medicine, (the French translation by Jourdan, Vol. IV.,
p. 326,) mentions a work which he supposes to be Swedenborg’s,
viz., Dilucidationes de Origine Animæ et Malo Hereditario, 8vo.,
Stockholm, 1740. As we have not been able to meet with
these Thoughts on the Origin of the Soul and Hereditary Evil,
we cannot say what intrinsic evidence they may present of his
authorship. It is likely that he returned to Stockholm during
this year."
Joh. Björnstjerna,299 in the MS . bibliography of Swedenborg’s
writings, which he prepared in 1787, and which is now preserved
in the Royal Library in Stockholm, describes this publication
as follows : "Anonymi dilucidationes uberiores arduæ doctrinæ
de Origine Anima et Malo hæreditario, quam Leibnitzius in
Theodicea primum tradidit (Additional Elucidations of the
difficult doctrine respecting the Origin of the Soul and
Hereditary Evil, which was first explained by Leibnitz in his
Theodicæa,’) editio altera priori auctior et correctior, (second
enlarged and improved edition,) Holmiæ sumptibus auctoris,
(published in Stockholm at the expense ofthe author), two Parts,
1740 ; Part I, pp. 110 ; Part II, pp. 48, 4to. " Björnstjerna adds,
"Swedenborg is mentioned as the author of this work in a
MS. consisting of 3 volumes, 4to, bearing the title: "Bibliotheca

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