- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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926 [Doc. 313.
4. The arachnoid tunic.
5. The diseases of the fibres.
By comparing the contents of the MS. volume to which we here
refer with those of Transaction V, which was entitled by Sweden
borg "Introduction to Rational Psychology," it is very evident that
they harmonize so far, that the MS. volume contains the greater
part of Transaction V, and in fact its first portion, with the addition
of a chapter on the diseases of the fibres ; so that we consider our
selves fully justified in entitling the volume "Introduction to Rational
Psychology, Part I.”
The order of subjects was inverted by the author, when he sub
sequently embodied Transaction V in the first plan of his Regnum
Animale, where it appears as Vol. III (see no. 56, A). A full
synopsis of the contents of this prospective volume of the Regnum
Animale is given in the Photo-lithographed MSS. , Vol. VI, p. 350,
in this form:
Introduction to Psychology.
1. Preface: How an introduction to psychology is best effected.
2. Doctrine of forms and modifications.
3. Doctrine of order, degrees, and society.
4. Doctrine of representations.
5. The cortical substance in general.
6. The medullary fibre of the brain in particular, and the nervous
fibre of the body.
7. The arachnoid tunic.
8. The motive fibre.
9. The signification of philosophical terms, or ontology."
In another synopsis of Volume III, on the same page, it is
stated that "a treatise on the medullary, nervous, and motive fibre
is subjoined, that the above doctrines may be exhibited in their
In a later plan of the Regnum Animale, which is discussed in
the preface to the printed work, the title, "Introduction to Rational
Psychology," is limited to the part in which the above-mentioned
doctrines were to be treated, and the treatise on the substances of
the brain and the nature of the fibre is formed into a distinct part
by itself. Still, in speaking of a work written in 1740, it seems best
to call it by the title which its author applied to it then, and not
by that by which he distinguished it three or four years later.
The doctrine of order and degrees, which was embodied in the
original prospectus of Transaction V, was treated in full in the

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