- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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928 [Doc. 313.
borg points out the difference between natural and spiritual language,
and further of the following chapters:
1. Correspondence by harmony (correspondentia harmonica).
2. Correspondence by parables (correspondentia parabolica).
3. Correspondence by types (correspondentia typica).
4. Correspondence by fables and dreams (correspondentia fabu
losa et somniorum).
5. Correspondence between human and Divine actions.
6. Representation in oracles.
7. Explanation of the Sacred Scripture.
The subject of correspondence in these chapters is studied entirely
on the basis of Scripture; and the subject matter in a great measure
consists of Scripture passages. This treatise evidently paved the way
for the following, which was entitled by the author "A Hiero
glyphic Key."
For further particulars respecting the above, see Document 310,
Codex 36, no. 4.
1741. (60.) Clavis Hieroglyphica arcanorum naturalium et
spiritualium per viam Repræsentationum et Corresponden
tiarum (A Hieroglyphic key to natural and spiritual mysteries
by way of representations and correspondences) ; in MS .,
48 pages, 4to.
This interesting treatise consists of 21 examples, in which the
author first states some general propositions in respect to the world
of nature, and the phenomena which are witnessed there, and then he
shows by correspondence how the same principles apply to the world
of spirit. At the close of the work follows an index of correspondences.
A copy of the original Codex (no. 79 in Document 310) was taken
by C. F. Nordensköld to England in 1783. This was printed by
Robert Hindmarsh in 1784 at his own expense, under the above
title. In 1792 he published an English translation prepared by
himself; and in 1847 another translation, by Dr. J. J. Garth Wilkin
son, was published by the Swedenborg Association.
1741. (61.) Concordantia Systematum Trium de Commercio
Animæ et Corporis (Concordance of the three systems
concerning the intercourse between the Soul and the Body),
in MS., 44 pages, a fragment in 4to.
This treatise was announced by the author for publication in 1742
under the above title (see Document 201 , Vol. I, p. 585). The title
which it bears in the MS. itself is as follows : Transactio Prima
de Anima et ejus et Corporis Harmonia in genere (Transaction I,

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