- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313.] 931
and of which they published in 1847 an English translation in the
"Posthumous Tracts."
For further particulars, see Document 310, Codex 74, no. viii.
1741 and 1742. (67.) Psychologia rationalis (Rational
Psychology), in MS. , 234 pages, folio.
The treatise entitled by Swedenborg Psychologia Rationalis, was
originally identical with Transaction VI, mentioned in no. 56, A,
the contents of which are given in several prospectuses printed in
Vol. VI of the Photo-lithographed MSS. of Swedenborg (pp. 351
and 352), as follows:
"Transaction VI
1. The body in general.
2. The soul in general.
3. The animal spirit.
4. The blood.
5. Sensation and motion.
6. Imagination, memory.
7. The rational mind, or the understanding and will.
8. The soul in detail, and its operations ; or the state of the soul
in the body.
9. Concordance of the systems treating of the intercourse between
the soul and the body.
10. The death of the body and the immortality of the soul.
11. The state of the soul after the death of the body.
12. The society of souls, or heaven.
13. Divine Providence, predestination, fate, and fortune.
14. Appendix on the passions of the animal mind."
After Transactions III to VI had been embodied by Swedenborg in
the original plan of his Regnum Animale (see no. 56, A), the Psychologia
Rationalis appears there as Volume IV, with the following contents
(see Vol. VI of Photo-lithographed MSS. , pp. 350, 352, and 353):
"Volume IV.
1. A recapitulation of the state of the body.
2. External and internal sense.
3. Imagination and memory.
4. The animal mind and its affections.
5. The understanding and its parts.
6. The will.
7. The soul ; its essence, nature, and operations.
8. The intercourse between the soul and the body.
9. The state of the soul in the body.

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