- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313. ] 937
To this part may be added a chapter on the skin, its miliary
glands, and the organ of touch, consisting of 11 pages, which is
appended to no. 56, A, in the original MS. codex, and thus seems
to have been written in 1740 ; see Document 310, Codex 55, no. 3,
where further particulars respecting it may be found.
1743. (70. ) Swedenborg’s Digest of Swammerdam’s278 Biblia
Naturæ," in MS., 79 pages, folio.
This digest of Swammerdam is in reality a treatise on compara
tive anatomy and physiology. In its preparation the author generally
quoted first Swammerdam’s experience, and then made it the basis
of his inductions. His own additions in the original MS. are all
preceded by N. B. (Nota Bene).
The subjects treated of are as follows : 1. Insects in the chrysalis
state, 2. The louse, 3. The scorpion, 4. Snails, 5. The crawfish,
6. The water-scorpion, 7. The ephemera, 8. The stag-beetle, 9. The
xylophagan, 10. The gnat, 11. Bees, 12. The hydrocantharus,
13. The butterfly and the changes of the caterpillar, 14. The larva of
the azylus fly, 15. The maggot, 16. Frogs and tadpoles, 17. The
cuttle fish, 18. The four orders of changes in insects.
For further particulars, see Document 310, Codex 53, no. 6.
1743 and 1744. (71.) REGNUM ANIMALE anatomice, physice,
et philosophice perlustratum. Pars I. De visceribus
abdominis seu de organis regionis inferioris ; Pars II.
De visceribus thoracis seu de organis regionis superioris
(The Animal Kingdom considered anatomically, physically,
and philosophically. Part I. The viscera of the abdomen,
or the organs of the inferior region ; Part II. The vis
cera of the thorax, or the organs of the superior region).
Published at the Hague, by Adrian Blyvenburg, in 1744,
Part I, pp. 438 ; Part II, pp. 286, 4to.
In a letter, which Swedenborg addressed to the College of Mines
in 1743 (Document 164, B), and in which he begs that body to
support his application to the King for leave of absence, we read
as follows: "A few months ago I applied most humbly to His Royal
Majesty for gracious leave of absence, to make a journey abroad on
my own resources, for the purpose of seeing through the press a
work, which is the continuation and end of one which I had begun
and promised." And again we read, "Ever since my return [in 1740]
I have in addition to my official duties constantly laboured to
accomplish this work, and I have completed it so far, that, after

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