- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313.] 941
in Haller’s Bibliotheca Anatomica, and in Sprengel’s Historia
An English translation of the two parts above-named was prepared
by Dr. J. J. Garth Wilkinson, and published in 1843 and 1844, in
two volumes, entitled "The Animal Kingdom, considered anatomically,
physically, and philosophically." A stereotype edition of this work
was soon after published in America also in two volumes.
1743 and 1744. (72.) Swedenborg’s Private Diary for 1743
and 1744 ; in MS., pp. 101 , 16mo.
This Diary was first published in 1859 under the title, Sweden
borg’s Drömmar, 1744 (Swedenborg’s dreams, 1744). The text of
this Diary constitutes Documents 207, 208, and 209. Its history,
and the place it occupies in Swedenborg’s biography, are fully dis
cussed in the Introduction to Document 208, pp. 134 et seq. Its
authenticity is proved in Notes 149, 160 to 166.
1744. (73.) De Sensu Communi, ejusque influxu in animam,
et hujus reactione (On sense in general, its influx into the
soul, and the reaction of the latter), in MS ., pp. 200, folio.
After finishing Part II of the Regnum Animale, according to
the programme laid down in Part I (see no. 71 , p. 938), the author
ought to have taken up Part III which was to treat of the heart,
the arteries, the veins, and the blood ; or as this subject had been
fully discussed by him in Transaction I of the Economia Regni
Animalis, published in 1740, he ought to have passed to Parts IV
and V, which were to treat of the genital members of males and
females, and the formation of the embryo in the uterus, but instead
of doing so he skipped over Parts III, IV, and V, and took up at
once Part VI of his programme, which was to treat of the organs
of external senses. His reasons for doing so he states in full in the
prologue to the above work to the composition of which he devoted
the months of May and June 1744, during which time he left the
Hague, and travelled to London.
In the prologue to the above work he says in no. 3, "It has
been promised that the heart, the arteries, and the blood would be
discussed next, and afterwards the organs of generation of both
sexes, as well as the conception and formation of the embryo. The
subject, however, of the heart, the arteries, the veins, and the blood
has not only been treated in the work which I have called Econo
mia Regni Animalis, but upon mature reflection I also find that I
am not permitted to approach this subject now at once ; for all the
parts of the body have to furnish the information of what the blood

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