- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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962 [Doc. 313.
minute and precise knowledge of correspondences, according to his
own statement to Dr. Beyer in Document 234 (p. 261), "When
heaven was opened to me, I had first to learn the Hebrew language,
as well as the correspondences according to which the whole Bible
is composed."
This increased knowledge of correspondences the author acquired
by writing the following three works, viz. nos. 89, 90, and 91, to
which we refer the reader for further particulars.
1747. (89.) Fragmenta Notarum ad Prophetas (Fragments
of Notes on the Prophets), in MS..
These notes, as well as those described in the preceding article,
the author wrote in the margin of his Bible (Codex 89). Those which
are explanatory of the prophets he wrote at two distinct times,
i. e. partly in the earlier, and partly in the later months of 1747.
Those which he wrote at an earlier period are described in no. 85 ;
all the rest of the annotations belong to the later period.
The object which Swedenborg had in view in the preparation of
these later notes, was to render his knowledge of correspondences
more minute and more precise, as we have shown at the close of
no. 88; henceforth, therefore, he paid less attention to the general
doctrine taught in each of the chapters, than to the correspondences
of the particular words and phrases of which each separate verse
consists. Herein is a marked difference between his earlier and his
later notes on the prophets.
In order to carry out this object, (i. e. the increase of his know
ledge of correspondences,) he first entered on the margin of his
Bible the correspondences which he perceived during his study of
a portion of the prophets, and afterwards he transferred the inform
ation which he thus obtained to his Index Biblicus (nos. 90 and 91).
From this it follows that the preparation of these Notes and of the
Index Biblicus, nos. 90 and 91, was carried on simultaneously by
the author, at least during a part of the time.
When Swedenborg entered a second time upon the examination
of the Prophets, he began with Isaiah, and in place of an introduc
tion made the following preliminary statement: "In Isaiah, from
beginning to end, occur double expressions, viz., such as have respect
to celestial, and others that have respect to spiritual things ; these
are expressed in a particular, a general, and a universal sense in
such a manner that everywhere therein the celestial marriage is
represented. For in their interiors these expressions have reference
to God-Messiah and to the Church, so that everywhere, in each
single part, the kingdom of God-Messiah is represented as in

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