- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313.] 965
This Index Swedenborg introduces by the following interesting
preface: "The following names represent internal things, and in their
proper order also inmost things. When these interior things appear,
the exterior disappear or die, or become a dead letter. Each name
has a certain definite signification, or in other words it has its
own sphere of signification, reaching from the positive to the negative
privativo); and as this sphere of signification is between opposites,
the sense sometimes appears to be various, when yet the sense or
the meaning is determined by the subject-matter which is treated
of. The case herein is almost the same as in several languages,
especially the Hebrew, where single words have contradictory mean
ings ; whence their significations are so various ; the special meaning,
however, of a word, or the sense in which it is used, appears from
the context. It is important, therefore, that the fundamental signifi
cation of a name be first determined ; and when this is once obtained,
the rest follows without difficulty.
"It must be observed also that this interior sense or meaning of
names can scarcely be acknowledged, as long as the mind clings to
external things ; yea it appears then so remote, that it can be acknow
ledged only by those who are in light. The light cannot be seen from
darkness ; because light with those who are in such a case, is darkened.”
The present work contains, or points out, passages of Scripture
illustrating the internal meaning of the names or proper nouns, in
the following order: 1. From the historical books of the Old Testa
ment (viz. from Joshua to the second Book of Kings) ; 2. From the
prophetical writings ; 3. From the books written by Moses, 4. From
the gospels and the Apocalypse in the New Testament. This Index
or Concordance goes therefore over the same ground as the works
which are described under nos. 83, 91, and 92, and it contains the
proper nouns belonging to each of these works. There is therefore
a portion of our present work written simultaneously with no. 83,
another with no. 91, and another with no. 92 ; so that its composition
falls into the years 1746, 1747, and 1748. The portion which har
monizes with no. 91 differs from it in this respect, that while no. 91
(which contains a concordance to the prophets,) gives the spiritual
signification of the passages it records only as far as Ezekiel xxi,
the spiritual signification of the proper nouns in the present work
is given as far as Amos, that is as far as the marginal notes in
Swedenborg’s Bible extend. From this it appears that the portion
of the present work which harmonizes with no. 91, was written before
that work, i. e. before the author had determined not to give the
spiritual signification beyond Ezekiel xxi.

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