- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313. ] 1005
consists of detached experiences and aphorisms on marriage without
any logical connection, in the style of the "Spiritual Diary." In the
final paragraph it contains a reference to the excerpta prima, i. e. to
the index to the antecedent work; it likewise contains a reference
to the Index to the Arcana Cœlestia (no. 100), and also to that to
the "Apocalypse" (no 130) ; so that there is no difficulty in deter
mining the date of its composition. There is no doubt that it forms
another ofthose preparatory works which the author needed in order
to enable him to write his second work on Conjugial Love, viz.
no. 135.
For further particulars respecting the original MS. and the printed
copy of this work, see Document 310, Codex 14.
1767 and 168. (135.) Delitia Sapientiæ de Amore Conjugiali;
post quas sequuntur voluptates insaniæ de Amore Scortatorio,
ab Emanuele Swedenborg, Sueco (The delights of wisdom
concerning Conjugial Love; after which follow the plea
sures of insanity concerning Scortatory Love, by Emanuel
Swedenborg, A Swede). Amsterdam, 1768, pp. 328, 4to.
This work was no doubt extracted by the Author from no. 133.
Much of the information contained in it, as the title shows, was
derived from the angels. The Author seems to have brought the
MS. to a close in the spring of 1768, when he left Stockholm in the
month of May (see Document 272, p. 624), with the view of having
it printed. On October 1, 1768, he wrote to Dr. Beyer from
Amsterdam, "By Captain Magnus Sjögård I send you a copy of the
recently published work on ’Conjugial and Scortatory Love.’ Should
any of the friends in Gottenburg desire it, you will find on a slip
enclosed in the book, the address where it may be purchased in
Amsterdam." On April 23, 1769, he wrote to the Doctor still from
Amsterdam, "The book is very much in demand in Paris, and in
many places in Germany."
This is the first of his theological works to which Swedenborg
affixed his named as author, and on p. 328 he gives a list of the
works that had hitherto been published by him (see Document 284, A).
Fifty copies of this work were confiscated in 1769, at the custom
house in Norrköping at the instigation of Bishop Filenius (see
Document 245, pp. 306 and 373). Concerning the fate of these
confiscated works see Document 286, p. 710.
In the letter which Cuno wrote to Swedenborg, dated March 8,
1769, he says, "The Dutch only have noticed your work, the last
but one, treating on ’Conjugial Love,’ and they reviewed it with

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