- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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1052 [Doc. 314.
doctrines, as if thereby he meant to set himself up for a
prophet, and to maintain that in the course of two years the
New Church will be established. It is the doctrine of that
Church, to which he alludes, and which he promised in two
years should be published, as has accordingly taken place. For
in a letter which he wrote to me from Amsterdam on the
20th of April last, he mentions as follows :-
’I wonder that
they still keep stirring up this affair at Gottenburg ; I will
complain of them at the next Diet, when I send over my
Universa Theologia Novi Cæli et Novæ Ecclesia, which will
leave the press towards the close of the month of June. I
will send two copies of this work to each House, and request
them to appoint for its consideration a general committee from
all the Houses, in order to put an end to the affair in this way.’
"But previous to this, he wrote me a letter from Amsterdam,
dated the 15th of April, 1769, wherein he informs me, ’That
here [ in Amsterdam] they frequently inquire respecting the
New Church : When it will come ? To which I answer : By
degrees, in proportion as the doctrine of justification and
imputation is extirpated ; which perhaps will be brought about
by this work, which is entitled Summaria Expositio Doctrinæ
Nova Ecclesiæ, quæ per Novam Hierosolymam in Apocalypsi
intelligitur. It is known that the Christian Church did not
take its rise immediately after the ascension of Christ, but
increased gradually, which is also understood by these words
in the Revelation, And the woman flew into the desert, into
her place, where she is nourished for a time, times, and half
a time, from the face of the serpent’ (xii, 14). The serpent
or dragon is that doctrine.
"[X.] I will leave it now to the judgment of candid minds
(amongst whom I reckon and respect yourself, reverend Sir,
with your son-in-law Mr. Seitz, and the sincere Karg, to whom
I beg you to give my respects), whether they can regard the
New Church, to which the whole Revelation of John refers,
as a Swedenborgian invention, or not rather undoubtedly
consider it as a work of the finger of God and our Lord, and as
a church which is to be looked for with the most earnest desire.
"What man could invent such things of himself? asks
Swedenborg in his Continuation concerning the Last Judgment,

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