- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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for women, which had been my chief passion, suddenly ceased" (see
Document 208, p. 148). In another entry he says, "I wondered at
myself that I was no longer inclined to the sex, as I had been all
my life long" (Ibid.).
Should there still be different opinions respecting the state of the
man at the time those dreams occur
urred, if these statements are as
true as the confessions are candid, there can be but one opinion as
to his state when they had passed away. With his other experiences
they disclosed to him the deep corruption of his nature. "I saw all
my impurity, and recognised that I was unclean from head to foot"
(no. 50). Abhorring himself in dust and ashes, and renouncing all
self-righteousness, he threw himself at the feet of his Saviour, craving
only His forgiving mercy and saving grace. With such contrition
and self-renunciation, it is not surprising he was able to say, “All
seemed in a wonderful transcendent manner to approach and con
spire to rise up as it were and nestle in infinitude, as a centre where
Love itself was" (no. 52).
V. God is represented in the significative dreams of Docu
ment 209 under the form of a king, according to this principle of
correspondence: "All kings, whoever they are, and of what quality,
represent the Lord by the regal office itself which is with them"
(A. C. 3670). The Lord is presented first under the form of
Charles XII in nos. 13, 102, 116 ; then under the form of two kings
in no. 170 ; and, finally, in no. 201, under that of the King of France,
who as Swedenborg says, represented Christ.
The soul, which is the Lord’s inmost dwelling-place in man (see
"Intercourse between Soul and Body," no. 8), is represented in no. 152
by the Prime-Minister, Count Horn.104
The angels, or "God’s children," in no. 151, are represented by
The Lord’s gracious protection is represented in no. 16 by two
troops of soldiers marching past Swedenborg’s window.
VI. "Man" (vir), according to the Arcana Cœlestia, no. 9007 and
other places, "corresponds to the intellectual faculty, and thus to
truth, and to what pertains to truth; for truth belongs to man’s
intellectual faculty." Swedenborg in accordance with this principle
declares in no. 11, that "a magnificent procession of men" repre
sented experience or experimental truth. "Roving Poles and hussars,"
in no. 33, he defines as unruly thoughts ; and "a yellow man striking
a woman," in no. 9, as "our philosophy" i. e. modern philosophy,
"striking at what he was writing".
A mixed multitude of men and women, according to no. 55,
signifies both "thoughts and affections of the will."

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