- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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title: Mr. de Tuxen, Général-Lieutenant et Grand-Inspecteur de la
Douane à Elsineur (General Lieutenant and Inspector general of the
customs at Elsinore). The editor of these Documents was fortunate
enough to obtain the letters which General Tuxen wrote between
1782 and 1791 to C. F. Nordensköld,20 the founder of the Exegetic
Philanthropic Society of Stockholm.
On the first letter, which is dated March 24, 1782, C. F. Norden
sköld gives the following short account of Tuxen : "General Tuxen
is more than sixty years old ; he is an able and amiable man ; but
he suffers much, 1. From a wife, who is hysterical, 2. From limited
means, and 3. From the world, who ridicule him for having adopted
the religion of the New Church."
In these letters, which are ten in number, General Tuxen displays
both ability and amiability. They abound with praise and good
will for the two brothers Nordensköld ; and evince that he had fully
entered into the spirit and life of the New Jerusalem. We select
only such extracts as have a direct bearing on the subject of these
Documents :
(1). "The beautiful engraving of our departed friend (Sweden
borg) Senator Count Höpken was kind enough to send to me by
post, as soon as it appeared, accompanied by an obliging letter.
Its likeness is remarkable, and it does great honour to Mr. Martin,
the engraver. I remember here what I read about forty years ago
under a gold bust of Socrates, which was exposed for sale at an
artist’s, where the following words were written: Vous voyez de
Socrate le véritable image, admirez ses vertus plûtot que cet ouvrage’
(You see here the veritable image of Socrates, admire his virtues
rather than this bust). I wondered, however, why his coat- of- arms
and his titles were not placed under it; although I agree that his
name alone is the greatest adornment of the picture. For to Sweden
borg apply a potiori the following words which M. de la Dixmerie
said in his eulogy in respect to Voltaire : "Il reçoit [recevait] du
Ciel la lumière, et le monde la reçoit de lui" (He received the
light from heaven, and the world receives it from him).- March
24, 1782.
(2). Tuxen’s account of Bernstorff will be found in Note 202.
(3). "I shall send your brother by the first opportunity, according
to his desire, a short account of my acquaintance and of my con
versations with the late Swedenborg ; also a copy of the only letter
that I ever received from him; likewise copies of his letter to the
King, as well as of other documents that I received from Sweden
borg himself; and, finally, accurate copies of the four or five remark
able letters which Count Höpken wrote to me. These Documents,

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