- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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The following works he translated, but did not publish: (13) The
Summary Exposition of the Internal sense of the Prophets, 1800 ; (14)
The Coronis, 1811. Most of these works it will be seen were published
between 1784 and 1790, while Mr. Hindmarsh was himself fully
engaged in the printing business. In 1787 he was appointed Printer
Extraordinary to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. In
1790 he appeared in the new character of an author. We now
quote from Mr. Noble:
"Mr. Hindmarsh having seen the accomplishment of a darling
wish of his heart,—the commencement, in a distinct and visible form,
and with every prospect of perpetuity, of the Lord’s New Church
in Great Britain-next turned his attention to the diffusion of the
heavenly doctrines, and the building up ofthe Church thus commenced,
by other means, and began to appear, for this purpose, in the
character of an Author. In the year 1790, he commenced a monthly
periodical, bearing the title ofthe New Magazine ofKnowledge concern
ing Heaven and Hell; which title he altered, after some time, to that
of the New Jerusalem Journal. This work contains many excellent
and satisfactory elucidations of the doctrines of the New Church,
chiefly from his own pen, and must, no doubt, have been a great
help to many at that time. The receivers of the heavenly doctrines
were, however, as yet too few to support a periodical work; and so ,
after having subsisted under both titles for three years, he was
obliged to relinquish it.
"But now an occasion arose which called forth his latent powers
in their full extent, and exhibited him as one of the most powerful
polemic writers, in any cause, which the world had ever seen. That
this is not too high an encomium, I apprehend that every person,
whether friend or foe, will admit, who has ever read his Letters to
Dr. Priestley in Defence of the New Church. On occasion of the
opening of a place of Worship for the New Church in Birmingham,
where Dr. Priestley then resided, in the year 1791, that celebrated
philosopher and sectarian thought proper to publish a work which
he entitled Letters to the Members of the New Jerusalem Church;
with the view, of course, of convincing them that their doctrines
were erroneous, and to induce them to relinquish their pure faith
for Unitarianism. The success of Dr. Priestley’s numerous other
writings in advancing Unitarianism, had caused him to be esteemed
as a giant in controversy; yet this mighty giant appeared no more
than a puny dwarf in the hands of Mr. Hindmarsh. Such, certainly,
must be the judgment of every one who has compared the two works.
Never was there witnessed, in any discussion whatever, a more
complete demolition of every one of an adversary’s arguments, than

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