- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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A. KAHL. 1283
mother’s name was Helena Katrina Sjöberg. In his twelfth year
he entered as a student the University of Lund, and in 1814 in his
twentieth year obtained there the degree of doctor of philosophy.
In the following year he was appointed lecturer on classical literature,
and in 1821 professor of the oriental languages in the same Uni
versity. In 1825 he took holy orders, and in 1827 was nominated
first assistant minister in Lund, and pastor of Råby and Bjellerup.
In 1830 he was elected Dean of Lund. In 1844 he was created
doctor of divinity; and in addition knight of the polar star in 1852.
In 1865 he celebrated the fiftieth year of his receiving the degree
of doctor of philosophy, at which time he was received as honorary
member by many learned bodies both in Sweden and abroad.
Of his many writings the following are distinctly mentioned in
the Svenskt Biografiskt Handlexicon (The Swedish Biographical
Dictionary): (1) Tegnér och hans samtida i Lund (Tegnér
and his contemporaries in Lund), 1851, second edition, 1868;
(2) Bröderna i Ohio, eller nyprotestantiska kyrkan i Nord
amerikanska fristaterna (The brethren in Ohio, or the New Pro
testant Church in the North American Republic), 1853 ; (3) Nya
kyrkan och dess inflytande på theologiens studium i Sverige (The
New Church and its influence on the study of theology in Sweden),
4 nos., 1849-1864 ; (4) Några minnen från den Tegnérska tiden
(Some remembrances from Tegnér’s times), 1853 ; (5) Latinska clas
sicitetens förfall (Loss of ability in the use of the Latin tongue),
1854; (6) Eman. Swedenborgii Diarii Spiritualis Partis VII
Sectio 3, continens narratiunculas de vitis hominum in Diario
E. Swedenborgii commemoratorum, &c. (Short biographies of the
men mentioned in Swedenborg’s Diary, &c.), 1859; (7) Förord till
skriften: De Symboliska böckerna i förhållande till den Heliga
Skrift (Preface to the work entitled, The Symbolical writings and
their relation to the Sacred Scripture), 1862 ; (8) Förord till C. A.
Agardhs Samlade skrifter af blandadt innehåll (
Preface to C. A.
Agardhs’ Collected writings on various subjects), 1863. To these
works must also be added: (9) Emanuelis Swedenborgii Index
Biblicus sive Thesaurus Bibliorum emblematicus et allegoricus,
Volumen IV edidit A. Kahl (Swedenborg’s Index Biblicus, &c.
Vol. IV, edited by A. Kahl), 1868, and (10) Em. Swedenborgii
Itinerarium, Sectio Secunda, continens partem Suecice scriptam et
nunc in Latinum translatam ab A. K[ahl] (Swedenborg’s Journal
of travel, Section II, containing the part written in Swedish now
translated into Latin by A. Kahl), 1844.
To this must be added articles on subjects of theology, philology,
and ecclesiastical history, which Dr. Kahl contributed to Journals
81 *

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