- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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1340 INDEX.
Behm (Albrecht), Swedenborg’s mater
nal grandfather, i, 87.
Behm (Brita), biographical notice, i,
659 ; Bishop Swedberg’s expressions
about, i, 179, 181 , 186 ; administers
De Behm’s property, i, 376 ; oppo
sition to the division of De Behm’s
estate, i, 376 ; joint owner of Axmar
with Swedenborg, i, 379 ; mentioned,
i, 87, 346 ; ii, 200, 749.
Behm (Isaac), Admiral i, 78.
Behmen, see Böhme.
Benade (Rev. Wm. H.) mentioned i,
p. viii, 351 ; ii, 747, 1197.
Bengel (Prelate), biographical notice
of, ii, 1137 ; mentioned, ii, 429,
1034, 1060.
Benzelius (Dr. C. J.), notice of, i,
690 ; ii, 1065 ; mentioned, i, 89 ;
ii, 381, 132 ; Swedenborg’s letters
to, i, 592 ; ii, 381 ; letter from
J. J. Björnståhl to, i, 395; Chr.
Johansen’s letter to, ii, 710.
Benzelius (Archbishop Ericus), bio
graphical notice of, i, 88, 607 ; his
children, i, 88 ; Swedenborg’s affection
for, i, 208 ; letters to Swedenborg,
i, 255, 333, 341, 343 ; discovered a
subterranean treasure for building an
observatory, i, 256, 258 ; Sweden
borg expresses his love and admira
tion of, i, 267 ; Swedenborg advises
him to take care of his health, i,
267; asked to write a Life of
Stjernhjelm for the "Dædalus," i,
267; desires Swedenborg to become
Prof. Elfvius’ successor at Upsal,
i, 293 ; objects to publication of
Swedenborg’s "New Method of
Reckoning," i, 294 ; the only one
who entertains kind feelings to
Swedenborg, i, 304 ; gives letter
introducing Swedenborg to
Christopher Wolf 361 ; mentioned,
ii, 7, 76, 198, 891 , 896, 898, 903,
Benzelius (Archbishop Henricus), bio
graphical notice, i, 609 ; mentioned,
i, 220, 228 , 235.
Benzelius (Archbishop Jacobus), bio
graphical notice, i, 609.
Benzelstjerna (C.), noticed, ii, 1251 ;
mentioned, ii, 786.
Benzelstjerna (Ericus), notice, i, 666 ;
mentioned, i, 279, 303 ; sends
Swedenborg a Latin letter, i,
236; instructed by Swedenborg
in physics and mathematics, i.
Benzelstjerna (Gustav), biographical
notice, i, 670 ; mentioned, i, 220,
239, 248, 262, 331.
Benzelstjerna (Lars), biographical
notice, i, 610 ; mentioned, i, 264,
298, 348, 352, 357, 427 ; is unplea
sant to Swedenborg, i, 304 ; letters
to Swedenborg, i, 362, 363 ; Jesper
Swedenborg complains of him to
Ericus Benzelius, i, 365 ; mentioned,
ii, 7 , 743 ; charges against, ii, 748.
Benzelstjerna (Bishop Lars), biographi
cal notice, i, 611 ; Swedenborg’s
opinion of, ii, 281 ; mentioned, i, 90 ;
ii, 306. 418, 974.
Berch (C. R.), biographical notice,
i, 627 ; dined with Swedenborg,
i, 38.
Berg (A.), his lawsuit to obtain Sweden
borg’s MSS. from the Academy of
Sciences, ii, 818, 821.
Bergenstjerna (Johan), biographical
notice, i, 710 ; mentioned, ii, 194.
Bergius (Bengt), biographical notice,
i, 656; his Collection of Letters,
i, 656 ; mentioned, ii, 880.
Bergklint (mining engineer), mentioned,
i, 640, 653.
Bergström (E.), account of, ii, 1181 ;
quoted, i, 703; spiritual experience
of Swedenborg at house of, ii, 531 ,
560 ; account of Swedenborg to
P. Provo, ii, 537 ; his business,
ii, 536 ; did not adopt Swedenborg’s
views, ii, 539 ; could not read
Swedenborg’s works, ii, 539 ; his
account of the "Queen’s Story"
furnished to Provo, ii, 662 ; men
tioned, ii, 13.
Berlin in 1733, described, ii, 13—16.
"Berlinische Monatsschrift," letter of a
distinguished Chevalier to editors
of, ii, 668; its account ofthe "Queen’s
Story," ii, 648, 669 ; its first attempt
at explaining the "Queen’s Story"
ii, 668 ; its second attempt, ü, 671 ;
its attempt at explaining the story
of the "Lost Receipt," ii, 673 ; its
first attempt at explanation of the
"Queen’s Story" supported by Nordin,
ii, 676 ; inconsistencies and contra
dictions in his explanation, ii, 676 ;
Stålhammar’s repudiation by this
explanation, ii, 678 ; Letocard ex
poses inconsistencies of this expla
nation, ii, 685 ; analysis by J. F.
von Meyer of this explanation, ii,
688; opposed by L. L. von Brenken
hoff, ii, 679.

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