- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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1346 INDEX.
to, i, 404; his official life at the College
in 1723, i,429 ; in 1724, i, 431 ; in 1725,
i, 434 ; machinesand models belonging
to, i, 435 ; official life at, in 1726,
i, 437 ; in 1730, i, 439 ; in 1727,
i, 438 ; in 1728, i, 438 ; in 1729,
i, 439; in 1730, i, 439 ; in 1731 ,
i, 440 ; in 1732, i, 441 ; in 1734,
i, 445 ; in 1735, i, 446 ; until July 8,
1736, i, 447 ; during 1740, i, 456 ;
during 1741, i, 456 ; during 1742,
i, 456; until July 25, 1743, i, 457 ;
during 1745, i, 462 ; during 1746,
i, 462; until July 17, 1747, i, 463.
Collin (Rev. N.), his testimony respect
ing Swedenborg, ii, 417-424 ;
notice of, ii, 417 ; his visit to
Swedenborg, ii, 421 ; letter to Edi
tors of "New Church Repository,"
ii, 423; mentioned, ii, 1158.
Colour of metals, on the, i, 368.
Columbus (Emanuel Swedenborg, the
spiritual), by U. S. E. discussed,
ii, p. xviii.
Coming (Second), its object, ii, 521.
"Commerce and Manufactures" (On
the mode of assisting), ii, 877 ;
reviewed, ii, 892.
Commission to the iron-works with
Assessor Bergenstjerna, i, 436 ; to
Wermeland in 1726, i, 437 ; to
Fahlun to inspect forest-lands in
1730, i, 440 ; absent until Septem
ber 22, i, 440 ; to examine iron
works around Örebro in 1731, i,
441 ; returns from commission,
i, 441 ; to the whole of the copper
works at Fahlun, i, 446 ; returned
from commission, i, 446 ; see "Tours
of Inspection."
Communion, not necessary in Sweden
borg’s case, i, 36 ; received it from
the Rev. T. Hartley, ii, 556 ; from
the Rev. A. Ferelius, ii, 538, 558,
563, 578.
Comparison of Mathesius in 1781 and
1796, ii, 592.
"Concordia Book" (Index no. I, to),
described, ii, 849.
"Concordia Book" (Index no. II to),
ii, 853.
"Conflagration in Stockholm," men
tioned by Wretman, ii, 227 ; date
of, ii, 616 ; Kant’s opinion of, ii, 628 ;
Kant’s account, ii, 628 ; Jung
Stilling’s account, ii, 630 ; Pernety’s
account, i, 62, ii, 630 ; Bergström’s
account, ii, 538, 631 ; Springer’s
account, ii, 546, 631 ; Springer’s
account as furnished by Peckitt, ii,
631 ; Letocard’s account, ii, 632;
true version of, ii, 632; Fryxell’s
opinion of, ii, 1240.
"Conjugial Love," confiscated, i, 46 ;
ii, 306, 313, 373; mentioned, ii, 267,
268, 275 ; extracts from, ii, 291, 443 ;
referred to, ii, 376 ; reviews of, ii,
468; confiscated copies, Chr. Johan
sen’s account of, ii, 711 ;
"Conjugial Love" (lost work on), Index
to, description of MS., ii, 840 ; con
tents of, ii, 1003.
"Conjugial Love," as treated in the
"Apocalypse Explained," ii, 987.
Conjugial Love, Swedenborg on, ii,
1297 ; difference between love of
sex and, ii, 1297 ; man and woman
in respect to the love of the sex in
general, ii, 1303.
Conjunction, reciprocal, ii, 763.
Consistories of Sweden, their opinion
of Swedenborg’s writings, i, 72 ;
circular letters sent to, on subject
of Swedenborg’s writings, ii, 435.
Consistory (function of a), defined, ii,
Constantinople (synod in), a memorable
relation concerning, ii, 765.
"Consummation of the Age" (Sweden
borg’s projected work on), ii, 773,
853; discussed, ii, 1023.
"Continuation concerning the Last
Judgment and the Spiritual World,"
ii, 996 ; time of its composition, ii,
996; reviewed by "Monthly Re
view," ii, 996 ; early translations
of, ii, 996.
Contradictions between Mathesius’
account of Brockmer’s story in 1781,
and 1796, ii, 597.
Controversy with Professor A. Celsius,
i, 565.
Conversation (Swedenborg’s), charm of.
ii, 485.
Conversion (instantaneous), its nature,
i, 45.
Cookworthy (Wm.), biographical notice
of, ii, 1170 ; his share in the trans
lation of "Heaven and Hell," ii, 514 ;
testimony collected from him by
Provo, ii, 539 ; his visit to Sweden
borg, ii, 539 ; expenses of printing
"Heaven and Hell," ii, 539 ; men
tioned, ii, 981, 996 ; his experience
with Swedenborg, ii, 1061.
"Coronis, or Appendix to the True
Christian Religion, " ii, 1021 ; history
of, ii, 1021 ; contents of, ii, 1022 ;

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