- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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1352 INDEX.
Frederic II, mentioned, ii, 1225, 1227,
Frederickshall, Swedenborg’s mecha
nical feat at, i, 554.
Freemasonry and Swedenborg, ii, 735 ;
its introduction into Sweden, ii, 737 .
Fricker, Etinger’s friend, account of,
ii, 1282 ; mentioned, ii, 1034, 1060 .
Friedland in Mecklenburg, ii. 10.
Friendship (Swedenborg’s) for Cuno,
ii, 454 ; for Springer, ii, 533.
Fryxell (A.), the Swedish historian,
biographical account of, ii, 1234 ;
his "Life of Swedenborg" reviewed,
ii, 1235-1241 ; quoted, i, 483, 554,
619 ; corrected, i, 555 ; mentioned,
ii, 592 ; 667 ; adopts Nordin’s account
of the "Queen’s Story," with all its
inconsistencies and contradictions, ii,
676 ; anecdote about Swedenborg, ii,
Funeral (Swedenborg’s), expenses of, i,
Future, Swedenborg did not knowthe,
ii, 399.
GADEBUSCH, battle of, ii, 132.
Gambs (Rev. C. E.), attempt at ex
plaining the "Queen’s Story," ii,
690 ; contradictions in his account
of the "Queen’s Story," ii, 691 .
Garden (Swedenborg’s), official descrip
tion of, i, 392 ; mentioned, i, 32, 33,
55 ; contrivances in, i, 33, 56 ; he
encouraged Dutch gardening, i, 33 ;
seeds and bulbs for, ii, 226, 263 ; box
tree figures for, ii, 234 ; Collin’s
account of, ii, 423 ; children for
bidden to enter, ii, 723 ; Dr. Wetter
bergh’s description of, ii, 734.
Gardener-folks (Swedenborg’s), anec
dote of, ii, 726 ; their testimony, i, 39.
Gardener (Swedenborg’s), his opinion
of Swedenborg, i, 40, 53 ; his wife,
her account of the "Queen’s Story,"
i, 65 ; ii, 655.
Gedda (Baron N. P. von), notice of,
ii, 92 ; mentioned, i, 230.
Genealogy (the Lord’s), why different
in Matthew from what it is in Luke,
ii, 428.
"Generative Organs," original MS. of,
ii, 855 ; contents of, ii, 935.
"Genesis," its nature, ii, 427.
"Genesis and Exodus" (Notes on),
discussed, ii, 959.
Genoa in 1739, described, ii. 126.
"Geometry" (a treatise on Analytical),
ii, 870 ; contents of, ii, 894.
Gerard (Prof. A.), account of, ii, 1173.
Gerdesköld (J.), mentioned, ii, 703.
Gjörwell (C. Ch.), biographical notice
of, ii, 1155 ; testimony respecting
Swedenborg, ii, 402 ; visit to Sweden
borg, ii, 402 ; mentioned, ii, 720.
Glory, false, i, 490.
God, definition of His Being, ii, 770.
Gold, process of obtaining it at Eule,
ii, 68 ; its signification, ii, 176.
Gomm (
Wm.), notice of, ii, 1221 ; men
tioned, ii, 572 ; letter to Robert
Hindmarsh, ii, 573.
Good works, their importance, ii, 403 ;
their nature, ii, 403.
"Goods of Charity or Good Works," .
in "Apocalypse Explained," ii, 986.
Görtz (Baron Georg H. von), biogra
phical notice, i, 680 ; mentioned, i, 301.
Gospels (the), how written, ii, 428 ;
their difference, why ? ii, 428.
Göta-Canal (plan of) subjected to Charles
XII, i, 275 ; approved by Charles XII,
i, 275 ; survey of, i, 279 ; locks be
tween Gottenburg and Wenersborg
decided, i, 285 ; Polhem ordered to
build locks, i, 299 ; its direction
determined, i, 299 ; first lock at
Wenersborg finished, i, 300 ; work
at the locks is stopped for want of
means, i, 306.
Gothenius (Magister J.), biographical
notice of, ii, 1145 ; his share in the
"Collection of Sermons," ii, 340.
Gottenburg Consistory, Royal Decree
to, ii, 318, 365.
Gottenburg (Trial at), summary of, i,
60 ; history of, ii, 282-386 ; narra
tive, ii, 282, 296, 304, 309, 311 , 317,
320, 321 , 351, 364, 378, 382, 385 ;
documents of, ii, 282 ; Swedenborg’s
version of, ii, 371 ; Count Höpken’s
opinion of, ii , 411 , 415 ; the most
important for 1700 years, ii, 381 ;
its end, ii, 385.
Goyder’s (Rev. D. G.), his biography of
Swedenborg, discussed, ii, p. xii ;
mentioned, ii, 736.
Grabe, mentioned, i, 212.
Grabianka (Count), mentioned, ii, 793.
Grace (God’s), greatness of, ii, 156.
Graham’s magnetic observations, 579.
GrandMan, Etinger’s opinion of, ii, 1038.
Green, Kant’s friend, account of, ii,
1222; on Swedenborg, ii, 627 ; with
Swedenborg ; ii, 624 ; see "English
friend (Kant’s)."
Gregory’s Astronomy, excerpts from,
ii, 871.

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