- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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INDEX. 1375
modesty at Upsal, i, 99 ; becomes
worldly in Lund, i, 99 ; returns to
Upsal, i, 100 ; stays with Dr. Brunner,
i, 100 ; receives his degree of Master,
i, 101; is ordained, i, 101 ; is ap
pointed chaplain of the regiment of
guards, i, 101 ; he travels abroad, i,
101 ; his labours among the soldiers,
i, 104 ; becomes ordinary royal
chaplain, i, 106 ; improves the
schools in Stockholm, i, 105 ; de
nounces the King’s policy of re
duction, i, 107 ; receives pastorate
of Vingåker, i, 108 ; preaches about
Sabbath breaking, i, 109 ; is sum
moned before the consistory, i, 110 ;
denounces the practice of christen
ing children at home, i, 111 ; the
King becomes his god-father, i, 111 ;
the King’s favour, i, 112 ; his recep
tion at Vingaker, i, 113 ; is appoin
ted theological professor at Upsal,
i, 114 ; was appointed rector, i, 115 ;
relieves the University of a law-suit,
i, 116 ; prints an improved transla
tion of the Swedish Bible, i, 116 ; the
undertaking with the Swedish Bible
miscarries, i, 117 ; improves the
Swedish hymn-book, i, 117 ; ad
vances money for printing the
hymn-book, i, 118 ; hymn-book is
denounced as heretical, i, 119 ; the
King decrees to him an indemnity,
i, 120 ; the jubilee at Upsal, i, 121 ;
was appointed first professor of
theology at Upsal and Dean of
Upsal, i, 122 ; his pastoral work
among the students, i, 122 ; he
builds himself a new house, i, 123 ;
conflagration at Upsal, i, 124 ; is
appointed Bishop of Skara, i, 124,
127 ; lays before Charles XII com
plaints from the chapter of Upsal,
i, 125 ; stops a masquerade at
Kungsör, i, 126 ; seeks to stop the
burdens of the clergy, i, 126 ; his
labours as a Bishop, i, 127 ; provides
clergymen for the Swedes in Ame
rica, i, 128 ; becomes Bishop of the
Swedish church in London, i, 129 ;
hisbishop’s seat in Brunsbo is burned
down, i, 129 ; fire at Skara, i, 130 ;
visits Charles XII at Lund, i, 131 ;
goes to Malmö, i, 133 ; talk about
his "Shibboleth," i, 133 ; he is op
posed to the restriction of the royal
power, i, 134, 136 ; Charles XI and
Swedberg, i, 135 ; the pietists in
Sweden, i, 137 ; he visits the pie
tists, i, 138 ; his fidelity in office,
i, 139 ; his definition of a bishop’s
work, i, 140 ; is opposed to nepotism,
i, 141 ; his principle in filling va
cancies in the Church, i, 141 ; his
collection of tithes, i, 141 ; his
writings, i, 142 ; he was cheerful
and playful, i, 143 ; his free way of
expressing himself, i, 144 ; his
character, i, 144 ; had a wonderful
dream as a student, i, 145 ; he saw
God’s angel, i, 146 ; his thoughts
on the language of angels, i, 146 ;
is charged with heterodoxy, i, 147 ;
his credulity, i, 147 ; he heals men
tal maladies by prayer, i, 148, 150 ;
his experience with his servant
Kerstin, i, 148 ; is reported to have
driven out the devil, i, 148 ; extracts
confession from a criminal, i, 149 ;
his experience with one who was
possessed, i, 149 ; his first wife,
Sara Behm, i, 150 ; his second wife,
Sara Bergia, i, 150 ; his third wife,
Christina Arhusia, i, 151 ; hischildren,
i, 151 ; his children are ennobled, i,
152 ; his last years, i, 152 ;
composes the order of his funeral,
i, 152 ; his epitaph, i, 153 ; lines
written in his honour by his son
Emanuel, i, 153 ; testimony respect
ing him, i, 154 ; letters to J. Rosen
adler, i, 155-193 ; Hjärne’s attack
upon his "Shibboleth," i, 155 ;
defends his "Shibboleth" in public,
i, 156; his sermon before Charles XII,
i, 157 ; defends himself against
Hjärne, i, 160, 161 ; on his son
Emanuel, 162, 166, 181 , 183, 184,
186, 187, 195 ; desires to be kindly
remembered to Hjärne, i, 162 ; in
tends to print a cheap Bible, i, 163,
165. 168, 169, 172 ; his "Godly
exercise in the Catechism," i, 163,
190, 193 ; describes his "third wife,"
i, 164 ; his "complete Swedish Lexi
con," i, 165, 173, 177, 184 ; his
"Casa pauperum et Gaza divitum,"
i, 165, 184 ; his " Swedish Grammar,"
i, 166 , 167 , 170, 173, 177, 185 ; on
Hjärne, i, 172 ; his "little Catechism,"
i, 173, 177, 185 ; his "Letter to the
Swedish Clergy," i, 175 ; his smaller
"Latin-Swedish Dictionary," i, 177,
184, 187 ; his plan of study for the
Swedish youth, i, 178 ; opposes the
heathenish classical books for the
schools, i, 178 ; his " Address to the
mountain-district of Fahlun," i, 171,

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