- Project Runeberg -  The technic of Ling's system of manual treatment /

(1890) [MARC] Author: Arvid Kellgren
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - Active Movements - II. Bound - B. Made under Resistance either from Patient or Operator - Turning of the Trunk in the sitting posture - Lifting of the Leg while lying on the side

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and internal intercostals on the left side, whose fibres run in
the same direction as those of the external muscles of the
Besides using the exercise for circulatory purposes and for the
muscles, we have recourse to it in different intestinal affections.
It will he clear that we can also give passive movements to the
patient, going in the same direction and with the same applica-
tion of the hand, in all the above positions, except the stretching
of the back.
Lifting of the Leg while lying on the side.
In fig. 69 we see the position the patient takes up before
the exercise begins. Tig. 70 shows how the movement is made
under resistance. The operator stands with his side against the
Fig. 69.
patient, steadying him at the gluteal region. With one hand he
grasps the heel and ankle in such a manner that the thumb lies
parallel to the outer border of the foot. The other hand is placed
on the knee. The patient, holding the leg completely straight,
lifts it slowly up in the middle line as high as he can, while the

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