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I Harris’ Collection of Voyages, 2d. Ed. II B. S. 1021 findes følgende
af Berings Stedbestemmelser:
Latitude. Longitude from
The Town af Tobolski.............-..........58° 5‘ — —
Samarofsky Jam, upon the River Obb....................6o° 17’ — 30’
The Town of Surgut upon the River Obb................6o° 51 ‘ 5° *8’
The Town of Narim upon the same River................58° 48’’ 140 35‘
Koetsky Ostrog................................................5 8° 19‘ 16° 60’
Losinojarsky Monastir........................................58° I7‘ 22° —
Makowsky Ostrog............................................5&0 3" 23° I3<
The Town of Tenriski (!) upon the River Tenisei . . . 58° 20’ 250 12’
Caschin Monastir ............................................S^0 37‘ 32° —
The Town of Timakin near the Mouth of the River Ilim 570 25’ 350 16’
The Town of llimski........................................56° 401 36° 441
Utkutski Ostrog..............................................56° 40’ 38° 28’
Kirinski Ostrog..............................................57° S0< 41" 1‘
The Town of Jakutski upon the River Lena..............62° 8’ 57° 53’
Ochotski Ostrog, at the Mouth of the River Ochota . . . 590 13’ 76° 7’
The Mouth of the Bolschoyan Retsclika in Kamtschatka 5 2° 48’ 89° 51’
Werchnoi Kamtschatka Ostrog..............................54° 48* 91 ° ■—■
Nischnyj Kamtschatska Ostrog............................56° 11’ 98° 30<
The Mouth of theRiver of theApostle Thadeus and the Cape 56° 3’(?) 96° 10’
The Elbow of the River Swetoi Krest....................62° 20’ 1110 32’
Eastern Point..................................................65° 35’ 1150 15’
The Elbow of the Swetoi Preobrazensky..................65° 1’ 120° 30’
The Eastern Point of Tschuchotski..........................64° 25’ 1220 55’
The Island of St. Lawrence................................64° —- 122° 55’
The Island of St. Demetrius................................66° — 1250 42’
The Place from which the Captain returned..............67° 18’ 126° 7’
The Southern Point of Kamtschatska or Oskoi..........510 I0‘ 89° 61’
I Midten af det 18de Aarhundrede rejstes en heftig Polemik imod
Berings Længdebestemmelser og navnlig søgte Samuel Engel, Vaugondie og
Busching at paavise en østlig Forskydning af Asien ved disse. S. Engel:
Remarques sur la partie de la relation du voyage du Capt. Cook qui concerne
le détroit entre 1’Asie et 1’Amérique. Berne. 1781. — M. D. Vaugondi:
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