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IN the summer of 1737, Bering changed his
headquarters to Okhotsk, and in the course of the
autumn and winter, the greater part of his force was
transferred to the same place or distributed among the
various intermediate stations on the Yudoma, Maya,
and Urak. Spagberg and Bering built Okhotsk. At
the junction of the Okhota and the Kukhta, on one of
the narrow deltas, the so-called Kusha, they erected
a church for the expedition, a number of houses for
the officers, barracks, magazines, a large dock-yard,
and other buildings. The old stockaded fort, four
miles farther up in the country, was deserted. Around
the military center of the expedition the town
gradually formed and rapidly grew to become the Russian
metropolis on the Pacific. It cost very great
exertions to make the place inhabitable. The site was a
long sand-bank deposit, threatened by inundations.
The climate was very unhealthy,——a cold, raw fog
almost continually hung over this region. The party
was pestered with fevers, and in this swamp it was
that Bering lost his health. “The place is new and
desolate,” he writes. “We have sand and pebbles, no
vegetation whatever, and no timber in the vicinity.
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