- Project Runeberg -  Vitus Bering: The Discoverer of Bering Strait /

(1889) Author: Peter Lauridsen
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Obdorsk, 81.

Obi River, 21, 107.

Obi, gulf, 109.

Ofzyn, Lieut., 79; at Obdorsk,
81; in Gulf of Obi, 93, 109;
saves the St. Peter, 171, 172.

Okhotsk, arrival at, 24, 62, 79;
building of, 99; fleet in, 103.

Okhotsk, sea of, explorations in, 26.

Olenek, 34, 92.

Ostermann, 64, 73, 189.

Ostrog, Kamchatka, 27.

Otheres, 114.


Pallas, 45.

Patience, bay, 123.

Patience, cape, 54.

Patiloff, 21.

Pavlutski, Capt., 43, 45, 83.

Peschel, O., 117, 118, 146.

Petchora, 107.

Peter the Great, Scandinavians in
service of, 7; death of, 21, 63.

Petroff, 96, 119.

Petermann, Dr., 111, 116.

Petropavlovsk, founding of, 127.

Pissarjeff, 65, 83; quarrel with
Bering, 84; sketch of, 85, 95;
removal of, 103, 126.

Plauting, 93-96, 135,

Plenisner, 153.

Pontanus, J. J., 14.

Popoff, Cossack, on Chuckchee
peninsula, 17, 66.

Preobrashensky, bay, 31.

Pribyloff Islands, 178.

Prince William’s Sound, 145, 148.

Pronchisheff, 81, 92, 93, 96, 109.


Reclus, 67.

Remesoff, atlas of, 16.

Ruge, Prof., 117, 119.

Russian fleet, founding of, 9.


Saghalin, island, 54; charting of,

Sarycheff, Admiral, at Kuriles,
120; 146, 148.

Sauer, M., 146; description of
St. Elias, 147.

Saunders, Vice-Admiral, 11.

Savjaloff, 167.

Schaep, H. C., 54.

Schelagskii, cape, 110.

Schelting, Lieut., 119.

Scurvy, 182.

Schwatka, 21.

Sea Cow, 179; correct scientific
name, 179; extermination of,
179; importance of, 180.

Sea Lion, 178.

Sea Lion Island, 175.

Sea Otter, 177.

Seljonyi, island, 123.

Semichi Islands, 167.

Seinidi Islands, 159.

Senate, Russian, orders of, 64.

Serdze Kamen, cape, 39 et seq.

Shafiroff, 85.

Shantar Islands, 65.

Shestakoff, 18, 56.

Shumagins, discovery of, 161;
stay at, 162, 164.

Siberia, determinations of
longitude in, 38; scientific
exploration of, 68.

Sievers, Peter, 9.

Sikotan, island, 123.

Skeving, 9,

Skuradoff, 109.

Soimonoff, 73.

Sokoloff, K., 75; opinion of
Spangberg, 84, 94; Bering’s
assistants, 95; opinion of
Bering, 96, 100, 116; qualifications
of, 137, 159, reproved by
Bancroft, 189, note.

Spangberg, M., in first
expedition, 21; at the Kut, 22;
winter at the Yudoma, 24; sets
sail, 26, 50; instructions to, 66,
77, 82; nativity of, 84;

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