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over which I previously walked. Here I found
the old and memorable station, but it was sadly
altered. The good hostess gone, the old man,
Jerkin of Jerkin, looked much older, but seemed
as tough as ever. He was shoeing a horse when
we arrived, and his daughter—the same that
occupied the painted wooden cradle when I last halted
here—waited upon us. The worshippers of
pedigree should all stand uncovered in the presence of
Jerkin or any of his family. If our aristocracy
are blue-blooded because their ancestors came over
with the Conqueror, the blood in the veins of
Jerkin and the neighbouring farmers must be
ultramarine, for they are of the same stock as William
the Norman himself, only that their connection is
with the elder branches of the old family, while
the Conqueror descended from a younger son, who
had to seek his fortune abroad; his elder brother
holding the familv estates somewhere hereabouts.
The most direct descendant of Harold Haarfasrer
is Tofte of Toftmoen, a station two stages south of
this, on the direct route between Christiania and
Trondhjem, that by which King Charles XV.
travelled on his way to be crowned at Trondhjem
in 1860; on which occasion Herr Tofte entertained
the king right regally, bringing forth his ancient
family plate, which included a sufficient supply of
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