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Sweden — U. S. A. and Mexico
in co-operation with the Transatlantic Steamship Co.,
Ltd., Gothenburg, and Norway Mexico Gulf Line, Ltd.,
Christiania, has frequent sailings of large cargo-steamers
between Gothenburg and other Swedish ports, direct to
the most important ports in the U. S. A. and Mexico.
Further particulars on application to:
the chief office: Swedish America Mexico Line, Ltd., Gothenburg, Sweden
Agents at
New York I
Boston, Mass.; Furness, Withy & Co., Ltd.
Baltimore )
Philadelphia: J. A McCarthy.
New’ Orleans: Trosdal. Plant A Lafonta.
Galveston: Fowler k Me Vi tie.
Vera Cruz: Brrea O’Kelly <fc Co.
Havana: Lykes Brothers, Inc.
115 I
Svenska Ostasiatiska Kompaniet
Cable addr. “Ostasiat". GOTHENBURG Tel. 9143, 88 52, 85 01.
Direct regular services from Scandinavia to:
1. Straits Settlements, China and Japan and vice versa,
calling at Port Said, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai,
Yokohama, Kobe and Moji.
2. British India and vice versa, calling at Karachi, Bombay,
Colombo, Madras, Calcutta and, eventually, Rangoon.
Agents in TJ. K.: China & Japan service, Messrs Eseombe Me Grath & Co., 3, East India
Avenue, London, E. C. 3. India service, Messrs J. H. Wackerbarth & Co. Ltd., Billiter
Buildings, Billiter Street, London, E. C. 3, for the outward traffic; Messrs Grahams & Co. Royal
Bank Buildings 5, Bishopsgate, London E. C. for the homeward traffic.
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