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others, have held positions: Frank N. Peterson has been town
clerk, Eric Falk, justice of the peace, A. P. Jonson and Johan
Svenson, supervisors, and Peter N. Lewin has been village
marshall in the town of Marine.

The present town officers are: town clerk, John Lund;
justice of the peace, John G. Rose; assessors, Eric Falk and
Fred Lammer; supervisors, And. Lind and John P. Svenson;
village marshall, John Lund.

At the post office at Scandia, by the church of the Swedish
Lutheran country congregation, John M. Jonson is postmaster.

In the measure that the country district has been settled, the
number of people in the town of Marine has also increased.
Many Swedes have arrived within the last twenty years and
have settled there. The population of the town numbers about
five hundred persons, of which two thirds are probably Swedes.

The sawmill, which was built in 1839, was destroyed by fire
in the forties. A new mill was built in place of the one destroyed,
but this one also became the spoils of the flames a few years
later. The present sawmill in the town is therefore the third
one built here. During the time of the year when the sawmill
is running and lumber is sawed, the mill has a daily force of
about twenty workers. There is also a flour mill with four
pairs of millstones.

Besides the Swedish Lutheran Church there is also an English
Congregational Church.

Besides this there are in the place three stores, two hotels,
three saloons, a brewery, a livery stable, a post office, a drug
store and a doctor.

Among the Swedes who carry on trades are: furniture maker—John Lund;
blacksmiths—A. Westergren and Chas. Liljegren;
shoemakers—Lindquist & Rydquist; tailor—Peter Engqvist;
mason—Gustaf Carlson; wagon makers—Peter Palmsten and Nils
Falk; painter—And. W. Holmstedt; butcher—Nils Håkanson;
livery driver or livery stable keeper—Abr. Johnson; the
bookkeeper for the business firm of Schmidt & Graf is John
Westergren; lumbering and trading in timber is carried on by Chas.
Peterson, Sven Magnuson, and Ed. Johnson.

Besides a larger school in the town in which instruction is

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