- Project Runeberg -  Year-book of the Swedish-American Historical Society / Volume 10 (1924-1925) /

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Waupaca Post Office, Waupaca County,

State of Wisconsin, North America,

December 20, 1858.

Dear Brothers and Sister:

The time when as a rule you receive a letter from me is long
since past and I presume therefore that you are impatiently
awaiting news from me; but I beg you to pardon my long
silence; it has not been caused by forgetfulness or lack of love,
for you are ever cherished in my heart, but by the fact that until
now I have not known where I would spend the winter, and thus
have not before been able to give you my address.

During the past year my place of residence has been unsettled
and changing. After I sent you my last letter dated Stevens Point,
September, 1857, I worked for two months in a sawmill near that4
place; then 1 moved about seven miles from there to a small
Swedish congregation near the town of Waupaca and there I
kept school until April; afterwards I moved a mile and a half
out to a Swedish family where I either kept school or did other
work for two months. In the beginning of July some of the above
mentioned Swedish families sold their farms and moved about
fifty or sixty miles from there into another state called Minnesota,
and as I had heard that there were many Swedes in this state I
went with them. I traveled through a part of the country and
saw many Swedes and Swedish Congregations, but I did not
remain because for the time being there seemed to be less to
do than in Wisconsin. In several places they had succeeded in
erecting a little church and a schoolhouse and in others they
were soon to start building. I returned, however, to Stevens
Point and have worked there in a sawmill for a few months this
fall. At present 1 have nothing in particular to do, but a week
after New Year’s I will move down to the place where I was last
winter and teach school for three months; then I intend to go

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