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Roma. Società geografica italiana. Bollettino. 6 (1905): I2; 7 (1906): i-6, 8-10, 12.

––- Cosmos. (2) 13: 3. 1905.

Rouen. Société normande de géographie. Bulletin. 27 (1905): i-3.

Saigon. Société des études indo-chinoises. Bulletin. N:os 49 - 50. 1905. - Géographie
physique, économique et historique de la Cochinchine. Fasc. 13. 1906.

Salzburg. Revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique Anthropos. i: i. 1905.

Shanghai. Royal Asiatic society. China branch. Journal. 37 fi906).

S:t Petersburg. Société impériale russe de géographie. Isvjestia. 42 (1906). Ryska.
- Sapiski, Section de géographie. 27: 2, 37: 2, 38: 2, 41: 2, 42. 1906.
Ryska.- Sapiski, Section ethnographique. 31: i: i-2. 1906. Ryska. -
P. K. Kos LÖW, Sällskapets expédition till Mongoliet, i: i - 2. 1905 - 6. Ryska.

Syracuse, N. Y. Journal of geography. 4 (1905): 9 - lo, 5 (1906): i-8.

Tacubaya. Observatorio astronomien nacional. Anuario. 26 (1906). Mexico 1905.

Tokyo. Geographical society. Journal of geography. N:os 199 - 210. 1905 - 6. Japanska.

Toulouse. Société de géographie. Bulletin. 24 (1905): i-4.

Tours. Société de géographie. Revue. 21 (1905): 4.

Tromsö. Museum. Aarshefter. 27 (1904). - Aarsberetning. 1904. 1905.

Uccle. Institut géographique Elisée Reclus. Eloges d’Elisée Reclus et de
Kellès-Kranz. - ELISÉE RÉCLUS, Les volcans de la terre. Fasc. i. 1906.

Washington. Smithsonian institution. Annual report, U. S. National muséum. 1904.
1906. - D. W. FRESHFIELD, On mountains and mankind. T. FISCHER,
Morocco. A. DASTRE, The stature of man at various epochs. E. METCHNIKOFF,
Old age. W. H. HOLMES, Contributions of American archaeology to human
history. H. A. BOYD, Excavations at Gourmia, Crete. E. VON ROSEN,
Ar-chæological researches on the frontier of Argentina and Bolivia in 1901 - 2.

E. L. HEWETT, A general view of the archaeology of the Pueblo region.
A, HRDLICKA, The painting of human bones among the American aborigines.

F. KRAUSE, Sling contrivances for projectile weapons. A. MAIRE, Materials
used to write upon before the invention of printing. W. W. ROCKHILL, An
inquiry into the population of China. S. W. BU^HELL, Chinese architecture.
A. L. LIBERTY, Pewter and the reyival of its use. C. DAVENPORT, Cameos,
A. FOCK, The economic conquest of Africa by the railroads. W. H. BURR,
The present aspects of the Panama canal. T. W. SYMONS, The projected
new Barge canal of the state of New York. (S.-A. 1615, 1616, 1630-1644,
1646, Smithsonian report. 1904.) 1905.

.––- ßttreau of amencan ethnology. Report. 23(1901-2).–Bulletin. N:os 28, 29,

32. 1904-6.
Wien. K. k. geographische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. 48 (1905): 3, 49 (1906): i, 3 - 12.

––- K, k. naturhistorisches Hof museum. Annalen. 19 (1904): 2-4,20(1905):!-3.

Winnipeg. Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. Annual report. 1904. -

Transactions. 67-68. 1905.

Af författarna: ALBERT I, Prince de Monaco, Résultats de campagnes scientifiques
accomplies sur son yacht. Fasc. 32. 1906. 4:0. - A. F. BANDELIER, Aboriginal
myths and traditions concerning the island of Titicaca, Bolivia. 1904. S.-A.
- J. BEDDOE, Colour and race. London 1905. S.-A. - F. BOAS,
Anthropometry of central California. New York 1905. S.-A. - W. S. BRUCE,
Report on the work of the Scottish national antarctic expedition. Edinburgh
1904. S.-A. The area of unknown antarctic regions compared with Australia,

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