- Project Runeberg -  Norway and Sweden. Handbook for travellers /

(1889) [MARC] Author: Karl Baedeker
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We now proceed through the Bondesund, passing Mundheim on
the left, to —

44 Kil. (271/2Engl. M.) Øierhavn, at the N. end of the Varaldsø.
The hroad part of the fjord extending from this point to
Strandebarm, 2 M. to the N., is called the Hisfjord.

53 Kil. (33 Engl. M.) Bakke (*Inn), to the N. of which is the
church of Strandebarm, is beautifully situated on the W. bank, in
the midst of grand scenery. To the E. we observe the Myrdalsfos
and the Folgefond, to the N.W. the snow-clad Thveite Kvitingen
(4190 ft.), and to the N.E. the Vesholdo (3520 ft.). To the left
of the last is a foot-path, leading past the gaards of Haukaas and
Solbjörg and the sæter of Torahella, to Ketland in the Steinsdal
(4-5 hrs.; see below). The route along the bank of the fjord to
Sandven is, however, more attractive. — The steamer then steers
towards the E., enters a narrower part of the fjord, and stops at —

67 Kil. (42 Engl. M.) Jondal (Ltne’s Inn), on the E. bank,
14 Kil. from Bakke, with a bridge over the Elv. The scenery now
becomes less attractive. This place is locally famous for the
excellence of its boats.

From Jondal a day’s excursion may be made , with a guide (Samson
Underhaug or Nils Tigene; 3 kr.). to the *Sjørdalsfos and the Juklerand.
We drive in 3/i hr. to Birkeland, proceed thence on foot to the S. to
Freidalsslalen (night-quarters), cross the Krandalsvand hy boat, and ascend
the Sjardalskar. which commands a view of the fall. About J/a
^r-farther on (6V2 hrs. from Jondal) is the ~Jvklevandshorgen, which affords
a splendid view.

From Jondal a road ascends the Korsdal to (3 hrs.) Gaarden Flatebe
(1100ft.), grandly situated, and leads thence to the S. to the Jondalsbræ, near
the Dravlevand and Juklevand; and another path from the gaard crosses the
Folgefond to Bleie (Naae) on the Serfjord (p. 64). The latter route leads
from Flatebø to the N.E.vto Sjvscet, ascends steeply and describes a wide
bend towards the X., turns to the E., skirts the Thorsntit (p. 55), and
passes the Saxaklep. The highest point of the route is 4510 ft. above the
fjord. Then a steep descent to the Reismter (1080 ft.) and thence to Bleie
(Naae, p.6i; 8-10hrs. in all; guide necessary).

Beyond Jondal the steamer passes several waterfalls, leaving
Jonarnas on the right, and soon enters the Ytre Samlen-Fjord.
The scenery here is again very picturesque. The steamer crosses
to the W. side, passes Arenas and the church of Viker, and enters
the Norheimsund, a beautiful bay. on which lies Norheimsund or
Sandven (Nils Sandven s Hotel, R. l.B. 1, S. 1 kr., I). 1 kr. 60 0.),
charmingly situated, and suitable for a prolonged stay. Sandven
commands an admirable view of the Folgefond, with the
mountain-spurs radiating from it. At the back of the village is the
Steinsdal, a pretty and well-cultivated valley, in which a good
road ascends to the (35 min.) Øfsthusfos (from ’■Øverste Hus’), a
waterfall 150 ft. in height, a narrow path behind which passes
between the water and the rock. Some of the steamers stop for
several hours at Norheimsund, during which the fail may easily
be visited. — The Torenut (ca. 3300 ft.), to the N., easily ascended
via the Sjau-Sater in 5 hrs. , is a good point of view.

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