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6 2 Of the Government
that before it was expired, they aSTaulted them, not fuSpecting then the least
danger, and killing Several, Subdued the Countrey, [as far as the
Northern and Western Oceans. We may eaSily collect from the truce mentioned
here, that before their Subjection to the Swedes by the Bukarli, there
was Some kind of war betwixt both : befides,it was Shewn above, that
Ladulaus could not bring them under his Crown. This perhaps may be
Zeiglers meaning, when he deScribes them as a warlike People, and free
for a great time, that they alfo withstood the Arms of Norway and Sweden,
till they were forced at last toyeildj but what Zeigler imputes to their
valour, proceeded only from the contemt they were then in, as is plain
from the opinion the Mo/covites gave of them. And there is little reaSon to
SuppoSe the Swedes were not of the Same, Since they were overcome only
by the allotment of Birkala-, and Ladulaus did not conquer them out of any
fear he conceived of their forces, but by Sleight, foreseeing the Small
advantages he Should receive would not quit the charges of an Army. Thus
the Laplanders were brought in Subjedtion by the Subtilty and expenceof
private perSons. About the year of our Saviour 1277, the Birkarli had the
autority over them ; yet So as to acknowledg their dependance on the
King of Sweden. Now whether all of them were thus overcome , as thoSe
that lived beyond the mountains of Norway , near the Sea, which are the
Finlanders, or Lappofinni, is Still in doubt, except we collect it from this,,
that all from the Northern and Western Oceans were certainly Subjected.
But whatever difpute may ariSe concerning that, it is manifest the Swedes
were the first Ccnquerours of Lapland, but afterwards the Norwegians and
Mofcovites following their example, put in alSo for a part; thus they,
became Subject to theSe three Severall Princes. But to paSs by the others,
the Swedes enjoyed, for Some former ages, half the dominions from
Ttdii-fiorden to Walangar, over the Lappofinni, or maritime Finlanders. This
was given by Charles the IX, in his instructions to his Embaffadors, Sent
to the KingofDanemark, wherein he made it appear that the Swedes had
from former times, till then , enjoied half the rights, both Sacred and
ci-vill, whether as to tributes, punishments, men, or fiSherie , with the
Crowns of Danemark. and Norway. But the Swedes kept only a third part
from Malanger to Waranger, thoSe of Norway and Mafcovy laying claim
to the other two, till in the year I595> the Mofcovites, by a League,
delivered up their part , but the Swedes alwaies poSfefTed the mountainous
and more neighbouring places from Ladulaus s time, for near four hundred
years, and exercifed their autority over them. The Government aSter the
conquest was in the hands oS the Btrkarli, according to the grant given
them by Ladulaus, who ruled over thoSe that dwelt near the Bay of
Bothnia , impoSed taxes, trafficked with them, and received all the profit of
the Salmon fiShing, and all other advantages arifing from them 5 but in
acknowledgement to the King, as Supreme, they paid a certain number
of gray Squirrils skins. The Laplanders, by common conSent, received
and honored the Bergchara, that is men of the mountains, or Birkarli, as
their Governours, and paid them very rich skins, and Severall forts of fifh,
both for their tribute to the King of Sweden, and their own proper uSes.
Neither were there any other commiffioned by the King in thofe times to
govern them , as will appear afterwards. He, that was their Governor was
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