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Of the Laplanders T>ivertifemen(s. toy
12 hours,except the waies be good and Slippery , but they ordinarily go 12
I4 0ri6 German miles in ten hours, which number doubled will make out
Zeigler’i opinion : and that nor with one Rain-deer which is impoffib.’e to
out So long, but that it must dy or be left to reft the next day. In this
way of travelling the Women are as expert as the men, and Olaus Magnus
faies more. As the men and women travel together, So they help one
ano-therin fiShing,and at baiting time to feed theircattle, which is evident in the
Rain-deer, for the women take as much care of them as the men, and
equal-ly take the trouble to milk them: andintiShing ’tis manifeft; for v. omen in
the abSence of men,are very intent for Some weeks at catciiing fiili,which they
gut and dry up Sor Winter- Their way of catching them is with Nets, and
other instruments, as every where elfe. I know not what Yanlus Jovius
meant, when he Said they have a foolifh way of fishing, except he refers td
their hooks which are notof Iron but Woodt they make them of Juniper bent
round: thefe they faften to flicks, and throw them into the Rivers, and very
eafily take many large fifhes.If they fifh witha Cane orWhale-bone,the fiSher
neverknow9 when thefiSh biresjbut pulls up at a venture. Theirway of
filling alters with the SeaSon, in the Summer uSually with drag nets, between
two boats, orelSe with Spears like Tridents, but that they have more teeth.
With thefe they ftrike pikes* especially when they ly Sunning themSelves
near the top of the Water: they do the Same by Night burning dry wood
at the prow, by which light the Filh are enticed thither. In the Winter
time they thruSl nets under the ice to a banck Side, and then by a great noiSe
above drive the FiSh to them-, all theSe things the Women often do alone,
which is the lefs to be wondered at, becauSe every wherein this Country
there is a great multitude of FiSh. BeSides all thefe-, they carry and cleave
Wood, and make hedges, with fuch like works, which are fo inconfiderabie
as not to be worthy to enlarge our difcourfe.
Of their \DivertifementSi
HAving fpoken of their ordinary emploimetits, it will not be amifs
here to annex fomething of their Divertifements:where firft we may
note, that the people of this Country are generally difpos’d to idlenefs, nor
willing to take any great paines, unlefs when meer neceSlity conftrains them
to provideagainft want. This they feem to derive principally from their
Anceftors the Finlanders, as is elfe where faid. To which as well their cold
constitution by reafon of the iharpnefs of the Air in this Country (that ic
felfisfufficient to difpofe mcrt to lazinefs , ) as the length cf their Nights*
and indulgence to much Sleep, may contribute not a little. In fine, that I
may omit their many other infirmities, whereby they are incapacitated to
undergo any confiderable hardfhip, they are lovers of floth and wholly
given up to it. But further, to confider how they beftow their vacant time
Dd 2 froni
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