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Of the Wotnens Child-bearings (yc. 123
them in Baptifm instead of a Surname, especially they obServe this in boies.
But altho the Laplanders wives are hardy, So as to be able to undertake j
journy a week or two after their delivery, and to go about other
employments, tho they have made their public appearance, and have been
churched by the Pritftj yet by their husbands they are looked-uponas unclean, till
fix weeks be accomplished. So that they admit of no familiarity or conjugal
Society with them for all that Space oS time. And thus much of their
I proceed next to their Education of them, the first thing that occurs
here is their Nurfing, which is alwaies by their own Mothers milk, for
the Laplanders make no uSe of NurSes. And this they do not only for Some
fmalliime, but ufuall for two years, three or four together ; but if SickneSs
or any other occafion happen, So that they cannot themSelves Suckle
theif-young ones, they give them the Rain-deers milk, which is groSTer and
thicker, then they can well draw out of a Suck-bottle, (as at Sometimes they
are accuftomed to do, elswhere) and for that reafon, if the neceSTity be
urgent they give it in a Spoon. Befides their Mothers milk, they instantly
accustom their young Infants, to eat fleSh, for they thrust into their
mouths a pieceof Rain-deers fleSh, that they may Suck the gravie out of it,
and So get nuriShment.
The rocking the infant in his cradle, follows next, whereby they get him
afleep. Their Cradles are made of the stock of a tree hollowed, like a
boat: theSe they cover with leather, and at the head they erert an arched
kind of roof,of leather likewife.In Such a cradle they lay 8c tie in the Infant,
without any linnen clothes or Sheets,instead of which they lay him on a Sort of
foft mofsjofa red color, which they dry in Summer, and have great plenty of
it. When the Infant is to be rocked, they let the cradle hang by a rope from
the loof of the hut, and by thrusting the cradle and tolfing it from one
fide to the other, they lull him a Sleep. They uSe likewiSe to pleaSe their
young children with Some certain baubles, for at their cradles they tie Some
rings of Alchamy, to make a noiSe and clinking. To theSe rings which Serve
instead of rattles they moreover add Some emblems, wherewith their chil*
dren may be timely admonished of their condition and future duty. If it be
a boy, they hangup at his cradle a bow and arrows, and a Spear made very
artificially out of Rain-deers horn, whereby they fignifie, that their
children must diligently praftife to be expert and ready in ufing the bow and
Spear. If it be a girle; the wings, feet, and beak of a white Partridge,
which they call Smaripa , and is call’d L ago pus having feet like the
feet of an hare, thereby implying, that their Daughters must carefully
learn to be cleanly, and like ihoSe birds nimble and aClive. As Soon as the
children come to Some age, they inftrudl them in all neceSfary arts, the
Fathers the boies, the Mothers the girles, for they have no School-masters
among them, but each perSon is his own childerns Mailer, and they are So
farput on by their parents as to be able to perform any works in ufe among
them. Their boies they cheifly teach the Art oSShcoting, and hitting marks
with an arrow, becauSe in old time they were necessitated to get their living
by the help of bow and arrows, whereas the greatest: part of them maintain
themfelves by hunting, and therefore when they have pradifed never fo
bide the ufe of the bow, the boies victuals are kept from them, till they can
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