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(1868-1870) [MARC] Author: Israel Hwasser With: Per Hedenius
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Galenus, så de flesta, som bemödat sig att vandra i deras spår, men
så bestämdt, strängt och tillika ädelt har jag knappt funnit denna
mening yttrad, som af den inom Arabiska litteraturen utmärkte
Juden Isaak. *).

I afseende på denna åsigt anser jag dock några erinringar böra
göras. Den handling, som omedelbart rigtar sig emot förderfvet och
sjukdomen och söker lifvets frälsning såsom sitt mål, måste for att
vinna framgång, hafva sin rot i verklig vishet och genomträngas af
det till ren kärlek förvandlade tänkesättets sanna förädlingskraft
Detta är obestridligt, och läkarekonstens ideal med alla dess stränga
fordringar, så otillräcklig också den enskilda menniskokraften, åfven
den största, som kan tänkas, må vara att svara deremot, bör i dess

χα&αριότηc, χνο)μολοχ(η. εϊδηαις των πρός βίον χνηστών xal
άναχ-χαίων. χα&αρσ£ων, άπεμπολήύις, άδεισιδαφονίη. υπέροχη &ε£α.
ίχοναι χάρ ά εχονσι πρός άχολασίην, πρός βανανύίην^ πρός
άπλη-ατ(ψ\ πρός ΙπιΟΛψίην, πρός αφαίρεσή πρός άναιδεζην, ΙνιδέΙν.
ανιη Υάρ χνώαις των προαιόντων χαϊ χρηβις των πρός φιλίην, χοά
ως οχοίως τε πρός τίχνα πρός χρήματα, ταντη μεν ονν Ιπιχοινωνός
(Τοφ£η τις. οτι χαϊ ταντα τά πλεϊστα ο Ιητρός ίχει- χαϊ χάρ μάλιρτα
ή περί &εων εϊδηαις fv νόω αυτή Ιμπλίχεται. ίν χάρ τοϊαι aMunOi
πά&εαι χαϊ Ιν ανμπτυψααιν Ινρϊάχεται. τά πολλά πρός &εών ίετ(μως,
χειμίνη ή ιητριχη. οΐ δ( Ιητροϊ \ϊεόϊαι παραχεχωρήχαοιν.
Hippocrates de decenti ornatu.

*) Ishak Ben Soleiman el Israeli— vanligen Isaacus Judaeus. Om
hans åsigt af Medicinens värdighet och betydelse, yttrar sig Moore: ttHe
commcnces the Pantegnum, by advising every Medical Scolar, with much
feeling and some eloquence, to honour and serve his master with as much
reverence as his father. And he counsels the master to instruet the
pupil whom he thinks deserving of being brougth up to Medicine,
wit-hout accepting from him any emolument, or pecuniary compensation:
and, schould he prove unworthy of the honour intended him, he is
im-mediately to be dismissed and excluded from the profession; which Isaao
considered as an ample punishment for the most flagrant misconduot.
He then points out the duties of physicians, which are to labour
dili-gently to relieve the sufferings of the sick, and to restore them, if
possible, to healt, without being prompted even by the expectation of
a reward. The ought to tend wit equal assidui ty the rich and the poor,
the vulgär and the noble: and when visitiug the sick, they schould guard
their hearts again81 the attractione of the wives, daughters, and maids,
to which they must inevitably be exposed. On every occasion they
schould act with hunianity and purity; and found their hopes of succés
on divine aid. The Moral precepts of this Jew are almost
superna-lural; and it may be doubted, whether the were ever praedsed hy one
Mahomethan, Chrissian or Jewish pbysisian. Moores History of the
Smallpox. Sid. 122.

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