- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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#mter#el was not great. :But as commissions of discharge cannot
be eaten, the lieutenant-colonel was obliged to cultivate his little
estate hhnself, that he m#ght earn bread for ldmsclf and family.
And as he had bestowed upon these long-sought-for titles so
much rime and trouble, he thought that he must transfcr them
to his domestic affairs; and he was especially occupied with the
question, how he could marry his daughter happily, that is fo
say, according to the rank of ber husband.
:For the purpose of fostering these plans, aud principally that
Amelia might improve in the customs of the nobility–which
she could not possibly learn in any other path than in the
higher circlcs the lieutenant-colonel had already ruade, for
several summers, jour#eys to friends and relatives, on #vhose
estatcs, aside from obtain[rig a living gratuitously, one had also
the opportunity of becoming acquainted #vith many people of
tank #nd fo#oEune. Af all these places the l#eutenant-colonel
was usually a welcome guest, for toward pcople who ranked
above him, l#[r. de Dressen was politeness itself, the most genteel
and entertaining companion in the world, and a man of as fine a
tone as could be round anywhere. Even toward his wife and
daughter his conduct was so exquisitely polite, that it would be
impossible to find if in a higher degree, l#ay! if ev..en #vas so
great, that it excited the utmost aston#shment, and hOt rare]y
envy in ladies #vho enjoyed a much less degree of attention from
their husbands.
The Lieutenant-colonel de Dressen’s wife was a lady of such
fine education, and so much dignity in her conduct, that she
enjoyed #n this respect ber husband’s full satisfaction, who did
not hesitate, as opportunities were offercd, fo make a disl#lay
with her. :But in ber whole conduct #vm# a rescrvedness, a kind
of assumed gentleness, which #ndicated that she was accustomed
fo suppress her feelings and thoughts, although a natural plain-
ness of manner was extended, like a fine veil, over al] ber actions,
by which those signs of charactcr appeared less l#rominent. "In

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