- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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• ## SK##-TS-#O#. 115
The gentlemen entered the room. Seated af a small work-
table was #ladame 3Virén, busy with ber embroidery of gold and
silk. She wa.# a stately woman, her face # perfcct owl, m#king
one thinl#» on account of ber f#ultless classic#l beauty, of the
masterpieces of ancient art, #vhich usu#lly fill us with so much
admiration; and one might also h#ve thought tha# these statues,
formed with a chisel, had more soul within them than Vh-ginia’s
.countenance indicated.
During ber work, a few of her curls had fallen dol-n, so that
they hung over ber cheeks like an airy net of golden threads,
and when she arose fo return Borgenstierna’s salure, in a stitt
and precise manner, she did not push them back with that grace-
fulness which so ofçen pleases us in charming coquetry, but
simply thrcw them with a violent shake of her head, to their
proper position.
"This gentleman, dear ¥irgini;r, is l#Ir. ]3orgenstierna, my old
and good friend. You #vill certainly see him with pleasure here,
as a gain fo our little domestic circle."
"l#Iost assuredly," replied ¥irg#nia; and with these words
bowed in a rnanncr, in which even the nicesç critic could no$
bave observed that her body had hiclhmd, not even the breadth
of a hair, either to the righ# or lef#. Borgenstierna said some-
thing, although i# was very unimportant, about the happiness of
having met his friend so unexpectedly, and malTied into the
bargain; a politeness to which ¥irgini,# rcsponded by # scarcely
visible parting of her lîps, which migh# bave been taken for a
stalle. After this mutual introductory manceuvring, the cere-
mony of introduction had an end, hladame #Vir6n quietly
resumed ber work, and did no# appear fo be aware tha# anyov_e
clse was in the room.
But the baron, who oit.en endeavoured, when if was possible,
fo excite ber by pertness, so tha# she #-ould give a slight glance
of impatience or anger, approached ber in a çamiliar manner, as
a friend of the family, and sat dgwrt beside the work-table.

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