- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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118 #i## SKJUTS-BOY.
tai#lly prevented you from seeing still more; but the baron, who
was also prescnt, has assurcd me, tha# her eyes always followed
you, with a very dêcided expression."
"Indeed ! with a decided expression ? thag is saying much,
upon my honour, very much. If I may rely, then, Ul)Oa the
testimony of the baron, then–"
The gen#leman allowed one to #lcss the meaning of his words,
with a decided #vink, and a shorç loud laugh, with which ho was
always accustomed to accompany his own remarks, at the saine
rime slal#ping his rhin legs with his glovcs, and looked wcll
pleased upoa those 1)a#oEs of his body, which he honoured with
the flattering title of calvcs.
Baron Liudcnskoeld had never any objection fo an innocent
joke, with a foppish fool, as De Goessc was, and replied imme-
diatcly, with all the frankness and digaity of which he #vas
capables" I hope that no one will doubt the truth of my words.
Whcn the eyes of the young lady followed thc chamberlain,
they ce#oEainly #vore a peculiarly decided expression."
"Gc#tlemen," said hlr. de Goesse, with a look of triumph, "I
expcct to-morrow morning the champagne I ordcrcd from
:Frcderickshall, and hope that ail of you will d#) me the pleasure
to t#oEe a glass with me at twelve o’clock. You shall hot only
judgc of the merits of my champagne, but the question to ho
debated will be also, fo cml»ty af lcast twcnty glasscs in honour
of the lady of my hearg. Thag would flatter ber, woulda’t it ?"
#With these words he laughcd, according fo his invariable
13orgensticrna’s stcrn charactcr dcspised the joke, #vhich so much
amused Iris friends, t{e leaned upon the wiradow-sill, appcaring
hot go kaow the subject of their conversation; but as he had also
fo rcply ço the chambcrlain’s invitation, as he tapped his shouldcr
in an inquiring mammr, he turned round, and rcplicd shortly.
"I cannot have the honour of being one of the party."
"Why nog, ah" ? Does this nman that you do hot rccognJse

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