- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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]#96 TttE SI(JUTS-BOY.
if. I should like to know #vhRt number if is in. It was in the
]ast one, I bclieve. I shotfld like to hRve your opinion con-
cerning if."
".I bave rcad if, certainl#; and as much as I understand or
if’" #vith thesc words, hl:adcmoisclle #ycluist advRnccd nearer
the assessor, #vho came near bcing drowned undcr the torrenç of
politîcs she pourcd fol#h, thrcatening fo overwhelm him. To
escape his certain destruction, he commenced pulling ai his line
again, #vhich gave rcason for the prcsumption that another repre-
scntative of the seR-car family would make ifs appe#rance. "
Quicker than lightning hl:ademoiscllc #ffyctuist sprang from
ber new sert, so that the res# of the ladics screamed with frigh#
af the rocking of thc boat, and ret#rcd to the opposite extremity,
#vhere she took a sert next fo the baron.
"This business is bccoming monotonous," s,#id De Goesse, after
a sho## pause, which h#d occurred in the conversation, and start-
îng up, gazed longingly at the Kjeball’s strand. "T.he 1Rdics
are undoubtedly f#tigucd."
]#Iadame Wh-6n remained silent; fo Amclia’s mother the
affair #’as novel and entetoEaining, and ber daughter, who had
caught nearly thirty #vhitings #vithin a very shor# rime, ïound
the sport so pleasant, that shc did hot like thc 1)roposal fo rettu-a
to the shore af all. They enjoycd their fishing for some rime,
and then stecred toward the bcach, after arriving af which, they
##-ent up fo #Norkjaerr, #vhere they stopped in one of the shady
lanes, and invîted thc assessor fo sert himself. A white cloth
was sprcad upon the green sward, and the baskets disgorged
their treasures of bottles, cups, tumblers, cakes, omngcs, and
more of such precious things.
"A divine fcast," exclaimed the baron, extending his hand
after a glass of lcmonade. "Which of the ]adies will be the first
fo pecl an orange for me, if I CRU bc so bold as to trouble thcm
#vith doing so ?"
"I, if you #vill 1)errait #.ne fo do so," cried Amclia, and took an

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