- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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Under 19de Marts 1874 indsendte Professorerne H. Mohn
og G. O. Sars til den kongelige norske Regjerings
Departement for det Indre en Forestilling saalydende:

Gjennem vore Studier af vort Lands Naturforhold
ere vi komne til den Overbevisning, at Forklaringen og
Forstaaelsen af disse maa søges hovedsagelig i Forholdene
i det Hav, som omsluttes af Norge, Færøerne, Island, Jan
Mayen og Spidsbergen. Denne Del af Verdenshavet danner
et stort Bassin, i hvilke Atlanterhavets varme Vande støde
sammen med Ishavets kolde. De Bidrag til Kundskaben
om dette Hav, som hidtil foreligge, gjælde hovedsagelig
alene Bækkenets Rand, og skyldes for den største Del
Forskninger, anstillede af Expeditioner, udsendte fra
fremmede Lande. Saaledes have de forskjellige Svenske og
Franske Expeditioner til Spidsbergen givet udmerkede
Oplysninger om Bassinets østlige Rand, og de fra England
med Dampskibene “Lightning” og “Porcupine” i 1869 og
1870 udsendte Expeditioner have tilvejebragt Oplysninger
om dets sydvestlige Rand mellem Skotland og Færøerne,
der i mere end en Henseende maa kaldes epokegjørende.
Hvor Havet støder op til Norges Kyst ere Forholdene inde
ved Kysten blevne undersøgte dels ved vore Zoologers
Arbeider, dels i de senere Aar ved de med
Oplodningsdampskibet - “Hansteen” udførte Expeditioner. Fra det aabne
Hav derimod er det yderlig lidet, der er tilveiebragt af
Oplysninger. Norske Sælfangere have vistnok siden 1867
jevnlig hver Vaar anstillet meteorologiske Iagttagelser og
lejlighedsvis forsøgt Maalinger af Temperaturen i Havets
Dyb, men i Forhold til Gjenstandens Storhed ere disse
Resultater kun at betragte som de første Vink om de
sande Forhold.

Hvad de fysiske Forhold angaar, have de Franske, og
i langt højere Grad de Svenske Spidsbergens-Expeditioner
foretaget Lodninger mellem Norge og Spidsbergen samt
langs denne Øgruppes Vestside, der vise, at der mellem de
nævnte Lande ikke er dybere end 270 Favne, og
Lodninger fra flere Tyske Expeditioner have godtgjort, at hele
Østishavet mellem Norge, Spidsbergen, Novaja Semlja og
Nord-Rusland danner et eneste Flak, der grunder op mod
disse Landes Kyster.

On the 19th of March 1874, Professors H. Mohn and
G. O. Sars memorialized the Home Department of His
Norwegian Majesty’s Government as follows: —

A careful study of the physical and biological
conditions peculiar to our native country, has convinced us
that the means whereby to comprehend and explain them
must be sought chiefly in a thorough exploration of the
Sea stretching between Norway, the Færoe Islands, Iceland,
Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen. This part of the Ocean
constitutes a wide basin, in which the warm water of the
Atlantic meets the cold indraught from the Polar Seas.
Our present knowledge of this ocean-tract refers principally
to the margin of the basin, and is in greater part a result
of Expeditions despatched by foreign countries. Thus, for
instance, the various Swedish and French Expeditions to
Spitzbergen have contributed very materially to furnish
information concerning the eastern margin of the basin,
and those sent out from England with the “Lightning”
and the “Porcupine,” in 1869 and 1870, have, as regards
the south-western margin, between Scotland and the Færæ
Islands, supplied data that may be said to mark an epoch
in the history of marine research. The strip of ocean
immediately adjacent to the Norwegian coast, has been
investigated partly by our zoologists in the course of their
labours, and partly on the annual expeditions of the Coast
Survey, with the steamship “Hansteen.” But as to the
open sea, what we as yet know is meagre in the extreme.
True, meteorological observations have, since 1867, been
taken every spring by captains of Norwegian sealers,
who now and again will make attempt to determine the
temperature in the depths of the ocean; but such results
must, compared to the magnitude of the problem, be
regarded as mere intimations of the truth.

With respect to physical conditions, soundings were
effected on the French, and more especially on the Swedish,
Spitzbergen Expeditions, between Norway and Spitzbergen
and along the western shores of that group of islands,
showing the depth of the ocean between the said countries
to be nowhere greater than 270 fathoms; and from soundings
taken on divers German Expeditions, the whole eastern
section of the Arctic Ocean is known to constitute an immense
flat, shoaling gradually up to the coasts of Norway,
Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja, and Northern Russia.

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