- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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112 “ee YDRAVELS

in which it is contained, belong to the academy. * The former fu-
perintendant of the cabinet, Mr. Sparmann, has been fet afide,
and fucceeded by Dr. Quenzel, a young man of great induftry,
to whom the academy are indebted for the new Order in “which
the cabinet, that was formerly in the utmoft confufion, is now ar-
vanged. Dr. Quenzel is a confiderable proficient in natural: hif-
tory, and the academy could not have made choice of a more
proper perfon for undertaking that charge. ©

In 1799 the academy was divided into feven different claffes,
and a certain number of members was affigned to each. This
‘divifion of the fciences was indeed a fevere trial of the abilities of
the academicians. In order to make fuch a diftribution with
-philofophical precifion, it would have been neceflary either to de-
duce the genealogy of all the {ciences and correfponding arts, from
" the’parental {tock of common principles in the human mind : or
in fome other way to have made an accurate, though g :neral
afi f cation of the various objects of truth or knowledge.

The ‘great Lord Bacon formed a plan in his book De Aigmentis
Scientiarum, of all the arts and fciences of which man is capable,
by referring them to the leading powers of the mind; memory, :
judgment, and imagination. ‘This plan has been followed almoft
by every author that has come after him, even by the writers of
the French Encyclopedia. But thefe gentlemen have declared,
avith great candour and judgment, that they experienced an em-
barraffment in the arrangement of their fubjeéts, in proportion to
the latitude allowed of arbitrary choice; as the different branches


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