- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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of knowledge might be referred either to the beings which they
have for their objects, or to the different faculties of the foul.
Difficulties attend cither plan. The former involves us in an
endlefs labyrinth, not only of gemera and /pecies, and thefe too the
mere work of the human mind; but of individual objects not to be
reduced with precifion to any clafs or mutual correfpondence:
the latter implies that latitude of arbitrary choice, which the
French encyclopeedifts have juftly remarked.

The {cientific academicians of Stockholm have not adopted
either of thefe plans, but {truck out a new one of their own, as is
to be perceived in the following claffification, which feems to reft
principally on the myftical number feven. The firft clafs have
for the fubject of their inquiries, economy general and rural. This
clafs is compofed of fifteen members. The fecond, confifting alfo
of fifteen members, has for its objet, commerce and the mechanical
arts. The third clafs, in number alfo fifteen, exterior phyfies and
and natural philofophy. The fifth clafs, in number eighteen, ma~

thematics. The fixth clafs, fifteen in number, medicine. The fe-

natural hiftory. The fourth clafs, likewife fifteen, interior ,

venth and laft clafs, confifting of twelve members, is configned to
belles-lettres, the hiftory of the world, languages, and other ftudies
ufeful or agreeable. |

It is evident that the whole of this arrangement is charatte-
rized by an air of inaccuracy, whimficality and confufion. The
laft clafs is plainly contrived as a receptacle for the various fub-
jects of inveftigation not provided for in any of the former divifions.

Vot. I. Q In

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