- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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In this arrangement the fame objects are prefented under different
names, while other departments of {cience are wholly omitted.
What is the diftinétion between natural hiftory and exterior phy-
fics? and between interior phyfics and experimental philofophy ?
Why is commerce detached from general ceconomy? and why is
there no mention whatever-made of moral philofophy ? General
ceconomy itfelf, in a comprehenfive view of things, falls under the
head of moral philofophy. In this part of the plan there is fome-
thing extremely unphilofophical and abfurd. I do not recolle&
an inftance of fuch glaring neglect of the moft important branch
of philofophy, except one, namely, that in a famous univerfity of
England the fchola philofophiea moralis is appropriated to the fole
purpofe of lodging the Arundelian marbles, and other fculptures
and ftatues. Finally, why fet apart one clafs of the academicians
for the improvement of hiftory and the belles-lettres, when there
was already an academy devoted to thofe particular purpofes ;
and when the object implied in the title of the academy is not li-
terature but fcience? It has been remarked that the grandeft
ftrokes of policy have been ‘truck, and the moft beneficial im-
provements in political affairs effe@ted by the counfels and ma-
nagement not of diplomatifts and lawyers, or profeffional men of
any kind, but by men of the world, general {cholars, and what are
commonly called liberally educated gentlemen. In the fame way
men of liberal and unbiafled minds might afford better advice for
regulating learned focieties, {chools, and univerfities, than pro-
found {cholars, whofe views are narrowed by the influence of pe-


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