- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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large drops, and with fuch violence, that we began to fear it would
fillthe boat. I had not feen fo copious a fhower fince I left Italy,
nor did I think it ufual in this high latitude. The rain was fo
round, and the drops fo large, that we loft fight of the furround-
ing objects, infomuch that our view was confined to the diftance
of eight or ten feet all around us. This was the firft and only
time we heard any thunder in our travels towards the North.
Our tent hitherto had only been an encumbrance to us, but the
period was approaching when we fhould find its ufe. In the pro-
greis of our navigation as far as Kollare, we encountered many ca-
taracts, but we became fo accuftomed to them, that what at firft

was a caufe of terror, became at length an object of amufement.

Once it happened that we got aground upon a rock in the middle
of the river. Our Finlanders pufhed the boat on a large round
ftone, fo that it hung on its furface, while we remained fufpended
by our own equilibrium. Inftead of trembling at this fingular
fituation, in which we could not continue a moment without im-
minent danger of falling into the water, it excited in us an im-
moderate fit of laughter; a circumftance which feemed greatly
to furprife and divert our boatmen.

The village of Kollare is inhabited by Finlandith peafants, who
feem to be very much at their eafe. The young woman we met
at Kengis was come home, and had prepared for us beds, excel-
lent milk, butter, and meat of the rein-deer in abundance. She
was in the houfe with her mother anda girl of the neighbourhood ;
the male part of the family were gone a fifhing. This young per-


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