- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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A change having taken place in the atmofphere, there fuddenly
arofe fuch a ftorm of wind and rain, as threatened almoft to throw
down our cabin. The fmall degree of comfort our fhelter afforded
was enhanced by the howling of the tempeft, and by the con-
fideration that it would involve the deftru€tion of our enemies.
At every whiftling blaft of the wind, “ Behold now,” we faid to
one another, “ the total difcomfiture of our befiegers! They are
** put to rout, difperfed, and driven before the wind to a hundred
*«« miles diftance!’’ This confolatory reflection contributed to lull
us toa found fleep, which the fucceeding calm did not for fome
time difturb. In the morning I went boldly out of my hole, with-
out hat, gloves, or veil, to breathe a little frefh air, and, being now
freed from the inceffant attacks of the mufquetoes, to view in
tranquillity the face of the country. I took a walk round the
cabin, in order to make myfelf fure that we were now at laft in a
ftate of peace and fafety: when lo! an ambufcade rufhed forth
againft me. I was all of a fudden covered over with the whole
army of infects. I fought, wrapped myfelf clofe up as well as I
could, and fled to the cabin, which, for want of due fumigation,
did not afford me relief fo foon and fo eafily as ]expected. Dur-
ing the ftorm the infects had the fagacity to get behind the fide of
the cabin that was fheltered from the violence of the wind, and
waited till it fhould be over, and till an opportunity offered of
making a frefh attack. Their plan and tactics were attended with
complete fuccefs. When we refumed our journey, we were {till

N 2 attended

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