- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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attended by an hoft of affailants almoft as numerous as that by
which we had been purfued to the cabin.

We had yet forty miles to travel before we fhould arrive at Al-
ten, though we had already advanced twenty miles from the place
where we left the river. The ftorm that had prevailed in the
night had not brought fine weather by a diffipation of the clouds.
The. {pace over which we were to go this day prefented a profpect
almoft as dreary as the day before. It feemed to us that we were
fometimes going higher up in the mountains than we had hitherto
done: we ftill found fnow as we proceeded. Our fervant was par-
ticularly charmed with the idea of our being fo near the clouds:
he feemed to imagine that he was already divefted of a part of his
mortality ; and the better to enjoy the illufion, he would fome-
times go out of his way and take a circuit, in order to get higher
up in the atmofphere. At one time he was wholly out of our
fight: we began to call him, but he did not hear us; we waited
for him, but he did not come; we fired our guns that he might
know whereabouts we were: {till he did not make his appear-
ance. If he had been a handfomer youth, we might have been
induced to fufpec& that Jupiter had fent his eagle to fetch him, as
he did in former times for Ganymede; but his figure prevented
any fuch apprehenfion. He returned to us at laft; and on our
interrogating him why he left his company, he faid, that feeing
a beautiful cloud very near him, he had run after it for the pur-

pole of knowing better than he did what kind of thing it was;


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