- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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bones and entrails of fith boiled, together with ftraw, and the
fucus, or fea-weed. The Norwegian. peafants, or Normans as
they are called, who inhabit the eaftern parts of Finmark, fodder
their cows not only with hay, but with the fame mixture, or with
fuch lichens as are given to the rein-deer.

The winter tent of the mountain Laplander differs but little
from the hut of the maritime Laplander juft now defcribed, ex-
cept that the fame contrivance which the latter ufes for boiling
his pot is not employed by the former. The mountain Laplander,
in clearing away the {now to form a ground floor for his tent, raifes
with it a circular wall, which furrounds the habitation. The poles
which fupport the woollen covering of his. tent, are fixed in this
wall of fnow, and a {mall beam, croffing the top of the principal
poles, fupports the iron pot-hook to which his kettle is hung.
The woollen cloth which covers the tent is in two pieces, joined
together by wooden fkewers. The door of the tent is cut in the
fhape of a pyramid, out of woollen ftuff, extended by wooden
ftretchers. Thefe ftretchers frame the door, which is faftened to
the tent only by a thong of leather at the top or point of the py-
ramid. The fides of the door are joined to fome flender poles or
fticks, which conttitute the two door pofts. One fide of the door
is faftened to either of thefe two pofts, according as the wind
blows, fo as to prevent any opening to the interior of the tent,
which might occafion an increafe of fmoke. By this means the
tent can be entered only on one fide, and on that alone which is

oppofite to the wind.

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