- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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The mountain Laplander ufually pitches his tent in the woods,
and goes out every day, except Sundays and holidays, in fearch of
fuel. Having cut down a tree, he drags it himfelf to the door of
his tent, where he lops off the branches, and prepares the larger
limbs for his fire, having erected a machine for that purpofe, con-
fitting of a tranfverfe beam laid upon two upright pofts. When
he prepares to light his fire, he colleéts the ignited fubftances in a
piece of birch bark, covering them with dry leaves and {mall
twigs. The wood he afterwards puts on, being for the moft part
green and incrufted with fnow and ice, as foon as lighted, fends
forth a thick fmoke, which is rendered {till more intolerable by
the unpleafant vapour emitted from the moift wood. The whole
tent is for a time involved in a pitchy cloud, and all who remain
init run the rifk of lofing their eye-fight. As the flame breaks
forth, the {moke gradually decreafes, but the upper part of the
tent is always filled with it, and if the wind be high, it is driven
back from the aperture intended to let it out. When the moun-
tain Laplander goes to reft, he does not extinguifh his fire, which
ferves the purpofe of a lamp, and affords him as much light as he
has oceafion for. Ata little diftance from his tent, the mountain
Laplander raifes a hovel, by laying a few beams acrofs fome potts
ftuck in the ground, and covering them with boughs. This ferves
him as a ftore-houfe for his rein-deers’ {kins, and fpare utenfils.

The fummer tent of the mountain Laplander refembles, in every
refpect, that which he ufes in winter, except that the covering of
it is of canvafs cloth, and that it has no fnow wall, the fnows


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