- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Of Minerals.

ARON Hermelin, who has publifhed maps of Sweden, Fin-
land, and Lapland, which we have noticed before, is at pre-
fent engaged in a work on the Lapland minerals; and we may ex-
pect fomething very fatisfactory from the labours of a perfon fo
well verfed in that fcience, and fo accurate and attentive in his
refearches. Lapland abounds in minerals of all kinds: but it is
not eafy for a traveller, who is but fuperficially acquainted with
the fubject, and who is hurried by the fhortnefs of his time, to
communicate as much information as the reader of his work may
perhaps be led to look for. I colle¢ted in that remote country
fome ftones, or minerals; but foon found them too cumberfome,
as we were frequently obliged to travel on foot, and have our bag-
gage carried by men.

When I returned to Stockholm, I laid the fpecimens I had
kept before Mr. Hyelm, who has the care of the collection of mi-
nerals at that place, and is infpector of the mint; and he fhowed
me a great number of minerals brought from the fame country
by different travellers, and chiefly thofe whom Baron Hermelin

7 had

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